Day # 79 – Gratitude Towards My 10 Days Of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions”


My past 10 days have been spend working on Nadalie Bardo’s
“100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions”
Reference –

My gratitude is very personal and I couldn’t be more grateful for the person journey that I have been on. I have learned much about myself and the journey that I have been on… I final_846247321.gifhave learned how I have been and continue to be affected by my life’s well trodden
path… & I have learned how to be more understanding of myself and my thoughts and I have learned that as a person that I should be more giving, more understanding and more forgiving of life’s journey and my future’s untraveled path..

I am in gratitude to Nadalie Bardo and her well executed and well thought-out thought provoking questions.. but more than any other thank you … I thank Nadalie for giving me the courage to look deep within myself.. for giving me the courage to examine my own needs & for helping me to navigate a starting point and or the beginning to my 2019’s pathways.

I would highly recommend Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions”… for anyone wanting to  spend sometime in self reflection of themselves or their own pathways. Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions” has given me much to think about and a whole lot of retrospect – I look forward to looking at Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions” at the end of 2019 & in the beginning days of 2020.

“I have enjoyed my last 10 days in review of myself and in answering Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions,
the end results have indeed opened my eyes to what my journey through 2018 held in its hands for me… the personal journey of my
2018 is now etched in my honest thoughts and words… I wasn’t at all surprised with what came out, and to be honest I didn’t struggle to answer any of the questions being asked… the questions for me were surprisingly in how much I wrote and not in the content of my answers. My honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 was certainly an interesting 1 that was full of self growth and also a full year of gravitation to me finding me again through my written words.”

Nadalie Bardo’s
“100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions”
can be found at the below link

Author. Tanya Kelly

Day # 78 – 100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions – Part 10 – “Personal Reflection – Questions For Next Year.”

One of my pinterest pins had the following self-reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 10 questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at It’s All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the 8th set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that your finances for the year that has just passed.


End of the Year Reflection Part 10: Top 10 Personal Reflections Questions for Next Year Let’s be realistic, answering all 100 end of year reflection questions can feel overwhelming and is no easy, or quick task either. The purpose of the personal year-end review is to reflect upon the past year, to learn whatever lessons we can, so we can move forward successfully into the new year. Thankfully you do not need endless review questions to come to that conclusion. You just need ten year in review questions that get straight to the heart of last year. Here they are. Here are your ten essential questions to reflect on the past year:

91. Where do you want to be one year from now? Describe it.

One year from now will find me in the middle of January 2020… I have many hopes for my next year and some of them are in the areas of personal growth… my number one want for my personal growth is to have me take a very good look at myself and see who it is that I am and ask myself “is this the me that I want to be & is this the me that I was meant to be..? I want me and own self’s self to take the year to be the giver that I am, to love those that I love with out question and without judgement but whilst doing so not have my ass being used as a welcome mat or a stepping stone for others. I know this much for sure “I don’t want my ass to be the welcome mat for other people drama filled questions that when not given the right answer or the answer that they require to get up and leave… I can say with an open heart that my door is open until you yourself choose to close it with your ignorance’s.”

92. What’s the number goal you want to achieve in 2019?

How many number 1 goals can there be….?

I just want to be  the person that I am … unapologetically me in my rawness… I have always wanted to stop allowing the thoughts and feelings of others to stop engulfing and dictating my every thought, feeling and way of doing things… I want my word and my self’s priorities to be enough for those around me… I want to finally stand up and say NO! and mean what I say… (mean what I say without feeling guilt or pressure into changing how and why I do things).

There are many people out there who feel that my above 2019 goals are already made of who it is that I am now… well maybe on the surface this is true… but who I am inside is less dominant and she is very much introverted complexity who chooses quiet over outspoken… “I want to see my 2019 come and go as the inner person that I am, taking less of the drams and discomforts of others onto myself & I want my own self worth to be the two way street that will either lead people closer to my inner circle or that it will lead them to a road that is of their own choosing.”

In a nutshell… if I am not enough as a person for those around me to want me to any different of a person than I am then I am here to say that “I will no longer be sorry that I wasn’t the person that you wanted me to be.”

93. Choose one word that sums up your main theme for next year.

Another 1 worded answer there are so many that I could use to describe and sum me up in my main theme of me… but if I have to choose 1 “encompassment”  would be it…

Encompassment –to form a circle about; encircle; surround: He built a moat to encompass the castle. to enclose; envelop: The folds of a great cloak encompassed her person.

to include comprehensively. “I will build my walls up and around myself so that I can become me without judgement and sit in wait to see who has the will and strength to scale my outer boundaries in order to join me in my inner circle.

94. What’s your New Year’s Resolution or goal?

I don’t really like forming new years resolutions… I put enough pressure on myself without adding additional goals or thoughts of new years resolutions. I like to be the person that live without expectations on how my life will pan out in and throughout the journey of the new year… but I have given myself a journey that will lead me back to myself and my love of writing – a journey that started back at the end of 2017.. but one that I am still loving and finding much passion in at this very moment of 2019.

95. What are your top 3 priorities for the new year?

My top 3 priorities for walking into 2019 are as follows:-

– continue with my writing on a daily bases… dedicating at least 2 hours daily in my exploration of my writing & decide on whether I will take on the journey of writing a book (this is a pipe dream as I have un-thought-out ideas but no definitive decisions or pathways tho this thought).

– finally make a decision of whether we will make life altering decisions to up root ourselves and or our family to make the changes to our lives that we have for the longest time been talking about… do we sell and do we go .. do we make our footprint known in the geographic landscape of another place that is in our hearts but one we are not sure that we want to roam.

– decide if I will go back to my dreams of becoming a full time student in the field of counselling… will I take back up my Bachelors Of Counselling, or will I go and undertake a few short dated courses that will serve me in reserving my internal energy and my footprint that overwhelms my study hours.

96. Write a personal mantra or affirmation for next year.

Mantra/s hey…

Firstly a fav of mine but one that I am not to good in living up to… “No one else is willing to do that, so that’s what I will do.”

Secondly… “I will recognize a person who doesn’t get enough recognition.” and that person will be unapologetically and unselfishly me.

97. What does your perfect day or week look like?

I have spent many years looking into the why’s and the how’s to the behaviours of other people…. I have always given a shit and have always tried hard to either be the glue in broken down relationships or I have tried to be the person who work hard to unburden others and their grievances with others… & to be honest all my holding onto others has tuckered me… “I know that it is time for me to take the road less travelled and find my supports in my own strengths… its time for my life to be own action plan… 3019 for me brings a need for others to find their own feet – for me to be who I am for others to be that for myself.”

98. What beneficial daily habits can you start in 2019?

I have given myself the gift of returning to my written words.. this is where I find myself and my inner calmness, so writing every day (with hope in all of my chosen writing adventures) is my daily habit for 2019.

The other daily habit that I would like to pickup is a half hour reading block or a guaranteed chapter a day reading block.. a moment where I can find a quiet place and unplug from my airport baggage claim mind.

99. How will you take action towards your goal?

There will be no easy pathways to reaching my goals and my inner mantras… but my first port of call would be to learn that it is ok to say no! – to find no guilt in saying no! give myself permission to step off the pathway f always being the helper to others… & stand in my own life’s path to help me and my self made family to reach the centre of our own lives.

100. Who do you hope to become in 2019?

I have hopes in becoming the quieter person that exists deep down within myself… whilst the out spoken person that has given me courage and strength has served me well over the years… I feel that I do not allow the truer side of me to come out all that often.

I want to be less open in the sense of always having an opinion or an answer to life’s woe’s but remain self assured and staunched in my morals and beliefs, I don’t want to change who it is that I am or how it is that want to be treated as by others… but I just want to be the calmer person that I know is hidden deep within my own self’s being.

I want to become the person who credits myself with self worth and self value… allowing no-one to take the stride out of my own walking path.

So there it is questions 91 to 100 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 10 – “Personal Reflection – Questions For Next Year.” this ends the 10 parts of Nadalie Bardo’s -100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.

I have enjoyed my last 10 days in review of myself and in answering Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end results have indeed opened my eyes to what my journey through 2018 held in its hands for me… the personal journey of my 2018 is now etched in my honest thoughts and words… I wasn’t at all surprised with what came out, and to be honest I didn’t struggle to answer any of the questions being asked… the questions for me were surprisingly in how much I wrote and not in the content of my answers. My honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 was certainly an interesting 1 that was full of self growth and also a full year of gravitation to me finding me again through my written words.

In my earlier writes of Nadalie’s 100 questions I wrote the following – “I look forward to finishing up Nadalie’s 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions…. having looked at my 2018 through different questions … offering up responses that I truly had no idea that they existed until I wrote them. But answers that not only reflected but also summed up 2018 and how I myself grew as a person… In conclusion I spent 2018 finding my way in & through the existence of my world & through this journey of journey of finding me; I of course found myself and my voice in writing adventures.” I have enjoyed this journey into looking at my year in review… and have just had the thought that I may relook at these questions at the beginning of 2019 as a comparison of my year and adventures of 2019.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.

Day # 77 – 100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions – Part 9 – “Light-hearted & Fun – Year End Review.”

One of my pinterest pins had the following self-reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 10 questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at It’s All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the 8th set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that your finances for the year that has just passed.


End of the Year Reflection Part 9. Here are 10 Light-Hearted and Fun Year End Review Questions

81. When you say 2018, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

2018 in a nutshell was a mixed bag of up’s and downs…. but for the most part I very much enjoyed my exploration time in getting back to my writing… learning the deeper & inner aspects of myself and of the unwritten words and thought-out thoughts.

So what comes to mind when I talk about my existence in the year 2018… Gratitude for vowing to explore what I have for the longest time haven’t seen or heard on any page…

My gratitude plays homage to words that I write every day, it has been s a long way back to my writing and to the download of my thoughts… writing has always meant a lot to me and now that I am back into writing every day I feel less frustrated and much happier within myself.

82. Is your favourite colour still the same this year as last year?

I have always liked the colour black, black is a very dominate colour in my non coloured wardrobe… but something changed in me the year of 2018 and I found a greater appreciation for the beauty found in colour.

I have come to like all shades of purples and yellows… but my most loved colour of 2018 is and has become “olive green…. surprising enough there is room in me to find a like for some shades of pink…a colour that I  have been to fond of.”

So yep guilty as charged… my inner colour palette & my new found like for colour has been a new something in my 2018 year of me… My hope is to in 2019 to replace some of the black in my wardrobe with some colours…. I want my clothes to show the happiness in my calming soul.

83. What’s the most shocking news you received?

The most shocking news that I received throughout 2018 would be of course the loss of a people that I not only knew well but I had great affection for… the news of someone passing is always a hard pill to swallow… death may very much be a central part of the “life cycle” but when it comes around and takes the people that we love, the reason and the news for the passing of our loved ones always seems to come at the most untimely time.

84. What new skills did you develop or discover?

Throughout 2018 I have taught myself new software packages for my web designing & I have leant how to blog in a daily capacity & one of my cherish hobbies has come to me after many years of trying to gain the skill of crochet (a few stitches and designs maybe… but a personal accomplishment just the same).

I love the development stages of watching my much loved gift of writing come back to life… I do feel that blogging is very different to my skill set of web designing… my procrastination about my lack of skills in blogging is no longer the thing that hold me back from returning to the written words that deliver me a sense of happiness in my every word.

I have had to learn patience and self-acceptance & I will be the first to admit that being grateful for my own self’s inner working has taken a great deal of time and strength in the acknowledgment fazes of getting to know me. Learning patience and self-acceptance is my 2018’s greatest accomplish… yet it is still an accomplishment that is underdeveloped and I am aware that there is a great deal of room for further personal growth in this area of my life.

Patience and self-acceptance whooooo knew that I had it in me….??

85. Did you have a favourite quote or saying?

“And as I stand on this battleground, I remind myself of the truth: That I am a force, to be reckoned with. Through all of these wars, I’ve won, lost, and learned. And I am not afraid, to utilize every ounce of my power. I will light this bitch on fire; then stand back, and watch it burn.” – Little Girl Speak

86. What’s your favourite song, movie, book and or TV show from last year?

Favourite Movies Of 2018 – Girl On The Train & Room
Favourite Song – Brave – Sara Bareilles & In my Blood – Shawn Mendes
Tv Show – Poldark
Book – I shamelessly admit that 2018 wasn’t a year for reading books for me.

87. What was the best compliment you received?

Like any person struggling in their life’s journey the best compliment that one could receive is “how I inspire other to see their daily drains and diversity’s and look at them with fresh eyes… having the inner strength to laugh and put my best foot and help for others ahead of my own struggles & pain.”

It is both humbling and a questionable experience when someone tells you that they are in awe of your get and get it one attitude… telling me that I show others how to see my diversity’s and raise them up with a smile. On the other hand the questionable experience comes from the negativity that is often shown to me when people choose not to be educated or shown how my diversities truly affect my everyday.

88. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rank your year?

On a scale of 1-10 my 2018 was probably about a 6 or 7… it wasn’t a terribly great year and it wasn’t at all a bad year… the struggles in my health had me up and down but through my gift of writing I found my happy place… & in return some of the people that I have come to encircle myself with have given me much support and have made the hard pain riddled days easier to bare.

Like I said 2018 wasn’t at all a bad year, for me I kept to myself for the most part and spent the majority of 2018 giving back to myself… allowing myself the time and inner perseverance to find my hidden voice and inner thought written deep with in my soul.

I put my own self into frying pan of 2018 and gave myself a “it’s a now of never pep talk” I knew  that there would be personal sacrifices in finding my long lost written word and voice, but I knew that I had a great yearn to write…. & the personal struggles that I had with my own inward isolation was so worth the lone moments that I sometimes felt.

If I had to do 2018 again… the only thing that I would change would be my level of procrastination… and the giving up a lot earlier of the fear of putting my thoughts and myself on the line… I knew that I would stick with my years return to my writing… but just getting started was where I laid in question of my own starting point.

89. What three words best describe last year?

The 3 words that best describe 2018 are ” Gratification Towards Actualisation ” meaning that I am grateful for the journey has given my back my love of writing, paying homage to the strength that my perseverance and ownership needed so that I could give my writing a fighting chance to flourish.

90. If you wrote about last year, what would it be titled?

If I had to write a titled line that summed up my 2018, I would have to co to my unofficial anthem by singer/song writer “Cher – You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me”  – a song that sings loudly how it is that I get up every day and put myself into my day, choosing not to sit and or lay down to the inner struggles that my multiple sclerosis brings to me.

“You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me” sings loudly and proudly that no matter how bad things get and no matter how far down trodden I get; the sun will soon enough cast its light on my life & that I choose to get up and make the most of my life… leaving the whinging whining why me’s on the shore lines of hurting bodies tears.

So there it is questions 81 to 90 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 9 – “Light-hearted & Fun – Year End Review.” Tomorrow I will explore the very last part of Nadalie Bardo’s -100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions titled “Personal Reflection – Questions For Next Year.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

“I look forward to finishing up Nadalie’s 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions…. having looked at my 2018 through different questions … offering up responses that I truly had no idea that they existed until I wrote them. But answers that not only reflected but also summed up 2018 and how I myself grew as a person… finding my way in my world, in my existence & how I of course found myself and my voice in writing adventures.”

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.


Day # 76 – 100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions – Part 8 – “Questions that Explore Your Finances”

One of my pinterest pins had the following self-reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 10 questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at It’s All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the 8th set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that your finances for the year that has just passed.


No end of year reflection would be complete without talking about your money and how you managed your finances.

71. Did you pay off existing debts (credit card, school or otherwise)?

Through the year of 2017 I knew there was a credit card bill hanging in the wind… we hadn’t used the credit card for sometime.. so we knew that we could live without it… so we made a vow to pay it off and did so throughout 2018 in 7 months… we celebrated by cutting up the card & closing the account.

72. How much money did you save?

Coming into the Christmas period of 2017 we had put enough of a Christmas nest egg away that meant we didn’t have to go into debt to put Christmas on… then just like the unexpected outlay awaited us at the mechanics… $1800.00 air conditioner refit to our car that just happened to die on a grueling 42 degree celcius day without a warning that it was going to not just need a gas refill – the whole thing needed to go to landfill & another needed to be fitted…. on top of Christmas and a few days of entertaining in between… sorry savings account… maybe next year !

Oh yah… been asking for years “what’s a savings account?” I always get asked check, credit or savings & I answer spending account thanks.

73. Did you create a budget for last year and stick to it?

Budget…. huh… food in fridge, electric bill gets paid for, internet is always on and the kids are never short of $5 note for the canteen… so if a budget is keeping up every week with the weeks bill payments and I am not falling behind,,, then yep budget was created and dealt with… stuck with hmmm probably not so much…

74. What was your annual income for last year?

Unapologetically.. I will not discuss that here.

75. Were you living paycheck to paycheck?

We always get by with a little left over for the unexpectables or for that little more to go on a little family playtime. There is always room for that little extra… and there is always that rainy day that seems to storm heavier than any other rainy day…

We managed a few charitable donations throughout the year of 2018… so all in all things were ok.

76. Did you take out new loans (including mortgages and car payments)?

No mortgage repayments and no car repayments for the year of 2018.

77. What did you waste too much money on?

I wouldn’t say that we waste money on many of the things that our family requires but there is always room for cut backs and or for improvements to be made.

The one change that could happen in our household is our food shopping habit… I am not a liker of keeping meet in the freezer.. I hate the whole defrosting process either by leaving it out in the fridge or by defrosting in the microwave… so instead of doing a sustainable weekly shop we find that we shop everyday or at the most every second day.

Stocking the freezer with a variety of meats and vegetable for the week is ok on the odd occasion… but I prefer my meat and vegetable to be purchased on the same day that I use and  consume them.

Other things that we spend money on is 12 Litre bottle of water for the water cooling system… having to change the bottle over every 4 days… I know my children wouldn’t drink water if I didn’t buy water the way that we do… and frankly neither would I…

We also do way to many short trip in out car and at times the petrol bill can get a little high.. price we pay for convenience hey!

I have a guilty pleasure of technology related products… 2018 gave me the opportunity to upgrade 2 of my children’s computers.. as they use them regularly & of course they will see them through the next few years.. I think the upgrade whilst the computers were on half yearly sales were warranted.

78. Did you have a best find or purchase from last year?

Purchase of the year went to a garden setting that I had my eye on.. one day whilst I was looking on gumtree I saw that someone was selling one that was very similar.. 8 seater for $200.. I thought it was a bargain.. so I messaged the seller and made my enquiries and asked if we could have it for $150.. as the price was negotiable… her reply was we are moving we need it gone … so yes you can have it for $40.00 please just come get it… it is perfect and only needed to be oil so it can remain protected from the harsh Australian sun ( an investment of $10.. well spent).

79. Do you have a retirement savings plan? Did you contribute to it?

A little naïve of me to say… but I am not up to speed with this area of my life…. gasp yes I know….

80. Did you put money towards an emergency fund?

Our emergency fund of $4,500 went to our cars air-conditioning and to the Christmas fund… our emergency fund was going to be spent anyway but on our houses guttering…. but the car decided to be needy.. so this years emergency fund with all fingers crossed will be spent on our houses guttering and may a drainage system for our driveways runoff.

What’s the word on your finances and what steps do you need to take to get in better shape? What sacrifices do you need to make this coming year, so you can live even better in years to come?

So 2019’s finances will be a little tight as I don’t have much work lined up for this year… things are slowing down and I have noticed that fewer and fewer people are calling for my help in fixing their computers or in doing computer/website related work for them.

We have needed the houses guttering done for awhile now and because of the rain the weather is starting to show on our front door.. so maybe it will be drainage for the driveway, guttering for the house and a new front door that we will be needing.. what will need to be sacrificed in order for the above to happen… mmmm leaving the emergency fund in its hide away and don’t touch it for any reason.

So there it is questions 71 to 80 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 8 – Questions that Explore Your Finances.” Tomorrow I will explore Part 9 of  Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – it’s title “Light-hearted & Fun – Year End Review.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.

Day # 75 – 100 Personal End Of Year Reflection Review Questions – Part 7 – Refection Questions For Your Career

One of my pinterest pins had the following self-reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 10 questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at It’s All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the third set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that Reviews Your Emotions on the year that has just passed.


Your professional life is a huge part of not only your life but your identity. So many of us associate who we are, with what we do from 9-5 (or whatever your working hours are).

61. Are you happy in your job/school?

I have been out of school for some years now and up until last year I wanted to undertake furthering my education & studies in the field of Bachelors Of Counselling, I knew that I was wanting a small break from studying but I signed to undertake my Bachelors Of Counselling anyway… nearing the end of the first semester in early 2018; I knew that my heart wasn’t in it… my yearn for me to return to my writing had been in the back of my mind for so long.. toying with me and my drive to write down my inner thoughts… so at the end of 2017 I took a personal look at myself & knew that deferring my studies and returning to my love of writing was going to be the 2018 journey that I would take.

Work wise I love my computer technician work and my the design elements of my web designing skills… but I have found that since my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis that my work load and call outs to fix people s computer has calmed down considerably.

Even my home based computer work has also calmed down and I find that I am getting less and less work as time goes on.

Taking on the journey and the learning curve of an armature blogger is filling this void and I am currently helping others in their blogging / web authoring journey’s

Some people think that having Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis would be and is the excuse for my slowed down work load and the truth to that assumption is that I love what I do … I love the people who I meet and work with… but at this moment in time I am content working as an armature blogger… I may be considering a course in journalism or writing for the media to undertake in the new future.

62. Did you enjoy the work/learning you do?

I have wanted to be a counsellor for as long as I could remember, it was either that or a primary/pre-school teacher… I have had many other jobs over the years but being a counsellor was my no#1 want and web design/computer technician is where I found my stride.

Did I love studying for my Diploma Of Counselling… for the most part yes I did, the hours were long and the run to the finish line seemed to take a lot long than I thought it would… it was a case of “so close yet so far – to the finish of my diploma of counselling studies.”

As for the continued studies into my “Bachelors Of Counselling” if I have to be 100% honest I think that I wanted the qualifications so badly that I was kidding myself when I said “what’s another two years?” my heart just wasn’t in it & I knew it… I didn’t want to e seen as a quitter… but I did feel the choice being made for me.. in and by my coping of the hours that I was keeping in the area of my studies.

I love to learn and enjoy it far more when the learning process is hands on… answering questions and submitting technical document after technical document starts to eat away at me after a while… I love the freedom of web designing and amateur blogging… there is always something new to learn and always a new piece of technology of software to sink my teeth into.

63. Were you excited to go to work or school every day?

Did I look forward to studying everyday… mmm some days yes.. the hours were so long and the technical documents and assessments were beating the life out of me…

I loved working with my elderly clients the most in the area of showing them how to purchase, maintain and use their computers… watching their excitement levels as they learned new things and saw their loved ones near and far pop up on the screen via their emails, photo’s, correspondences and video’s was worth the effort that I put into teaching them.

I love blogging and attending my writing group and keeping up with the bloggers & members that I work with… many people blog for money and someday this maybe what I will do… but right now I blog because I love to blog.. its my personal journey that keeps me writing everyday.

64. Did you get a promotion or raise/graduate or pass your courses?

Graduated from my Diploma Of Counselling Studies yes… Bachelors of Counselling studies are currently on hold & I haven’t as yet decided if I will finish my studies. A decision for another day and another moment in my life.

65. What one thing would you change about your job/education?

If I could change one thing about my job/education I would with almost certainty become a teacher instead of going to straight into the work force… but even if I chose to be a counsellor I either way would have not started my studies so late in my life… I do wish I did my studying when I was still a teenager…  being a mum was my no#1 thing – and that would not have changed my above wants…

66. How did you advance your career last year?

I did not advance my career last year… I instead set out and learnt other skill sets in other areas i.e.. blogging.

67. Do you have a good relationship with your boss or teacher?

Shout out to you Christa (my Diploma Of Counselling Tutor) she was a task master that kept me on my rails after giving me a stern talking to.. she asked me “Do I intend to complete my diploma and I answered yes… what do you need from me she asked… A push and reminder of my progress in days when I got lazy… don’t let me fall behind … hammer me all the way to finish line…” and with that said she did it all without having to be bitchy or pushy…

I had the want to finish but the hours were keeping me on the go… “push through the barriers she would say… not far to go now.”

I adored my tutor Christa & became very fond of her.

68. Is your job/school fulfilling you?

My schooling is no longer fulfilling me… I am unsure if I want to return to the long hours of study…. (a decision for another day). Write Now I am content in floundering through my journey of learning how to blog ( maybe someday a monetary blog will come out of my blogging skills, right now I blog for me because I love to write.. & I am loving being back on my writing journey)…

I still love my web designing / computer technician work… when the work is there I love it & get it done… but being an amateur blogger and full-time writer for now has my attention.

69. Are there opportunities for advancement?

I believe that in life there is always room for advancement in life… as a web designer there is always something new to learn.. I could always undertake further areas of study and even go into looking for more lucrative work in the computer technology world.

70. Did you start or take on a new venture (side-hustle, part-time so on)?

I am always working on some sort of an angle.. right now and for the past year it has been in the field of blogging.. I see blogging as a sister sidelined venture to web designing… some new skills sets and a whole new set of self disciplined responsibly…. writing things in your on words, writing often and keep in the guided truth and realities of what people want to read about is the key to a successful blogger and his or her posts.

Blogging isn’t always easy… there has to always be a story within you to write… creativity is what sets you aside from every other blogger out there in the world doing the same thing that you are.

So much of how we define or feel success is wrapped up in our careers. How can you improve your professional life? And bring more happiness and fulfilment to this area in the new year? What goals can you set for school or work?

Right now in my career goal I am content to sit still and follow my want and love of writing, like I said above I have been thinking of undertaking a course on journalism or in writing for the media… maybe even someday become a column writer in some sort of magazine or newspaper.

“A Columnist”… a brewing thinking pot right there… oh gosh I have added to my thinking thoughts manifestations… time to digest  my thought… “we will see where these thoughts led me at a later date.”

So there it is questions 61 to 70 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 7 – Refection Questions For Your Career.” Tomorrow I will explore Part 8 of  Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – it’s title “Questions That Explore Your Finances.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.

Day # 74 – 100 personal end of year Reflection Review Questions – Part 6 – Refection Questions Of Your Relationships

One of my pinterest pins had the following self reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 1o questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at Its All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the third set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that Reviews Your Emotions on the year that has just past.


Whether you like it or not, you cannot reach your goals on your own! The people in your life will either encourage and support you, or bring you down and destroy you. It’s okay if some friendships die, some relationships come and go, that’s okay!
(copied from Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.”)

51. Who did you spend the most time with?

No guesses for who it is that I spent the most time with in and throughout the year of 2018… My hubby Steve of course… there are very few days now when we are not in the company of each other… I never thought that I would ever see the day come when I was to be 100 in the company of 1 person… since my PPMS diagnosis i have seen a rise in my needing certain things done for me rather than me doing them for myself… I never thought that being partially dependent on another would be a place that I would find myself in, but alas here I am.

Of it wasn’t for my PPMS I know that my reliance on Steve wouldn’t be as great as it is now… we would both for one be holding down full time work loads & be busy raising our family along side each other as we have always done… but PPMS has made me a little less self able and given me the strength and will power of the man that I married.

We are together a lot these days & my yearn for him to be near me when he is away is just as strong as it has always been… 

There are times when I long for my own space… but who knew that being around someone who is with you  for long periods of day would never truly grow old.

Of course the other people that I spent a large portion of my 2018 days with are my online friends… “yes I do very much believe that my online friends are as true to me in their friendship just as they would be if they knew and were around me in person.”

52. Who are the top 3-4 most influential people in your life?

Influential people mmmm tough one…

Influential Person or Identifying Person #1

A few years ago I gave a name and an identity to my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis – I named him “My Story – Ms for short.”

He has taught the art being impatient in intolerance …he arms me daily with a bucket load of both each day in hopes that I would learn to let things come and go but never taken them along for the ride… but I think that his lessons are very much frugal… for right now tolerance and patience are not in my makeup.

”My Story” has also taught me much about myself in and around my return to my daily writings… he has given me the strength and currage to the push the toughest of writing days. My Story made be a made up subconscious level of myself but he is just as real as the diagnosis that he plays out. Of course “My Story” is influential to me.. he has taught me much about myself: both in the good and in the bad… “My Story” has taught me how patient in something I can be and in how very impatient I can be in others. My attitude has always been pretty much that of a tough cookie but “My Story” has shown me the greater depths of my intolerances… he certainly pushes me to see myself in ways that are reflective and very open roar & vulnerable.

Influential Person(s)  #2

There are a few people that will be listed here… singing artists who have given me the inner strength to see myself for who it is that I am  in spite of and in the wake of all that has been thrown at me.

Cher – “ You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me” & Strong Enough “ – A dedication to my inner strength and determination to live through my own diversities.

Sara Bareilles – ” Brave ” – I love the lines Say what you wanna say and let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave… – I think it’s refreshing to hear people speak their truths whilst being brave in the deliverance of their thoughts and words & it’s even more refreshing that someone would ask someone to speak their mind rather than deterring a person from sharing their thoughts and feelings.

Pink – “Raise Your Glass” – I just love this song and its beat… the very fact that its a song for the struggling underdogs that strive to be the best people they can be is worthy of celebratory cheers. Pink gives me the strength that lets me celebrate me in my life’s journey.

Kelly Clarkson – her heartthrob power ballads are songs that empower me through my self-growth and the rebuild of my scorned soul. Kelly Clarkson brings to me a great piece within myself, showing me that with the right person and warmest heart that I couldn’t rebuild myself by gaining inner strength and learning to lean on the love of my life who has pledged to my hearts lifelong support. – Because Of You is the backbone of my husband Steve who has stood beside me, without a wavering heart but with full commitment to us being 1. Even when times were tough you stood fast and worked tirelessly to prove you meant every vow in your pledge to me, all alone standing with me and beside me building us up Piece By Piece. Because of Steve I never strayed too far from the sidewalk (from his heart and our unity).

Delta Goodrem –  “ Sitting On Top Of The World “ – Delta Goodrem – Delta’s Child Of The Universe Album & song Sitting On Top Of The World gives me an inner strength that keeps me from folding my hands in my lap – preventing me from giving in & giving up. Showing me that I had to save myself so that I could be sitting on top of my own world.

Tina Arena’ – Tina Arena’s album “Reset” not only rebuilds my love for her, but it shows that she has reset herself into a place where her songs rejoice in every word she sings. She gas rebuilt herself from her inner scars and delivered herself back to greatness.
” Coming Home ” – Sheppard – Coming home helps me celebrate my journey of me returning to a place where I am whole again, and comfortable in my past. A celebration of me returning back to me.

These woman have given to me anthems that have delivered me from my moment of darkness and despair… moments where I sat questioning why things in life have to always to plentiful In toughness.

These anthems have given me the strength to slow my tears to fall and they given me even greater strength to stand up once more to the struggles that knock at my door.

Music & its artists play a very meaningful part in keeping my head above water. Reminding me on a regular basis that today’s struggles will lead me through to better tomorrow’s, that there is no calm before a storm… that I in the wake of their written anthems will rise to fight another day.

Influential Person(s) #2

Oprah Winfrey – she has given me so much strength over the years, teaching me that I need not stand on the side lines of my own like looking at myself as a victim… Oprah saw me through many journeys of my life including my Higher School Certificate Years (yr 12) where I used much of her work on racism in my final end of year project… Her open heart and giving personality at times made me cry & I have often wondered if she ever felt as empty and as lonely as I do when all  the handing out where done. She proves that through diversity that there are those who shine through and are able to bestow upon others the gift of unconditional humanity and open hearted selfless giving.

Robin Williams inspired me through “Dead Poets Society” to make up my own mind who it is that I wanted to be… forcing me to own my thoughts & putting out my hands in front of me to work hard for what my dreams and life wanted for me.

He taught me that regardless of  my social, academic and family standards that indeed had a choice of who I wanted to be, giving me belief in myself that I could step out of my norms and be the person that I knew I was deep within myself. I never wanted to be a conformist and I certainly didn’t want to be an envelope pusher… but I do and have always know who I am.

Robin Williams if I could honour you today I would stand on my desk and shout “Captain My Captain” applauding you until I can no longer see you walk the stair to heaven… but instead I write these words to you… “you lived your acting career out playing and portraying the characters that gave the legacy of truth and honesty… standing tall to the right for each of us to stand for our own selves, finding our own voices, being a slave to no one & to no lie debilitating illness.”

Influential Person #3

There is no greater influence in my life than that of my Husband Steve… he hasn’t always been the strongest person in our coupled relationship & whilst I miss the sensitive and naïve side of him, I am so glad to see the strength in him appear.. I am glad that he is finally standing tall and allowing no one to push into their way of thinking – he always had a voice but now it can be heard. he stands tall on his own horizon allowing no-one to  push him past his comfort zone & or to turn him into the shapeless & defenceless person that they wanted him to be.

Mentioning Steve Last doesn’t give him less meaning to who he is in the meaning of influences in my life… he knows who he is to me and has proven his work , strength and commitment to me in so many ways over the years.. through the many hurdles of our relationship he has stood beside me, ran the gauntlet & has led us through to the clearing where he has told me… one more hurdle that he come through.. together we are strong.

Be last person listed here is a dedication to him… he is the most abounding strength & love in my world.

53. Did you have a go-person? Someone you can always count on?

My go to person has been and always will be my Hunby Steve… 25 years of togetherness and many thousands of struggles later… I know wha hasn’t divided us has certainly made us stronger.

When when he should look at me from the corner of his eyes, questioning my thought process or moments of manic mindless moments; he sits and chooses his words carefully and gently assures me that I must know what I am doing.

When the sunrises and days are tough he sits in my shadow and lets me blurt out my huff… and when the days tears have been shed he lends a helping hand in cleaning up the shell of me that was just sprawled all over the floor.

Steve and I have been together for so many years now; we know each others every unspoken words … so for me go to person doesn’t always have to have anything to share or say.. he just needs to be there in the moment… offering up nothing more than a guaranteed he will always and forever be where it is that he belongs; right by my side.

54. Is there anyone you could have apologized to but didn’t?

I lost someone special to me just awhile back… she was my wall that I screamed at when I need to let go… we shared so much over the years & she often told me that Family wasn’t just those made of your blood…

I never let her finish this statement… for my reply could have not been said in words… she wore her honour of words on the outside of her heart… she was a treasure and a life support that never asked for much.

What do I have to apologise for you ask? Nothing that I myself have done but sometimes I find that I apologise for the shortening of time   That she had to gift to others the unconditional and open arms that she always had in wait for me. I wish sorry or an apology could have kept you here on earth, you had the greatest amounts of love to give…

There is one other apology that I could have made to a group of people that meant so much to me… I sat away and distant from your aching hearts and made no promise to bring closure to the distance in our hearts.

I learned the hard way that I could live without them… rarely again seeing them… but often hearing their name…

I would if I could apologise to them for learning to live without them I would… they taught me the toughest of life’s lessons “all relationships spoil at the hand of something far greater in need” … I will never stop loving them… but I have indeed learned to live without them. I dont seek their understanding and my apology needs no forgiveness.

55. Did you have a falling out with anyone?

I did in deed fall out with a few people throughout 2018…
For me falling out with people that I have admired for so long has left me hurt and feeling lost, but I have come to realise that my time for and with them was very meaning & I will always be grateful for the love that they gave to me & my family… but thing including relationship are not always guaranteed to last forever… sometimes things just out live their course of time.

I also moved away from my study group that saw me through to the trying hours of my studies… we were pushed and pushed hard to finish and when we became pushed we pushed each other harder… something gave and we all finished our studies with days to spare… sometime those who push us cannot see themselves in out pathway because the struggles were to great a pain to see a way through… when I do talk of my study group I peak of  them fondly and simply say our pathways were meant to cross and now we are walking in the same direction just on different roads.

56. Which relationships feel apart, which came alive?

What relationships came alive in 2018? the love and community of my self made family… in the gathering and giving to each other we learned what our strengths and needs were… & the relationships that feel apart in 2018 were those that themselves were not strong enough to hold on… they gave it their all… and their memories will always be fond… but sometimes things in life just run their course in time… friendships and relationships don’t end they just take on different meanings and altered destinations & paths.

57. Was anyone toxic or destructive to you?

What’s the definition of toxic??  My definition is “someone who chooses to forgo your right to have a mindful choice and decides to let the wind out of my sails by belittling my thoughts and beliefs.”

There is so much ignorance and distollerance in others that the overwhelming feelings that it brings me have had to learn to run their course of my many years.

Yes of course there are people that I could name for their toxic or apposing attitudes that exist in difference to mine but that would giving them a red flag to my inner workings… I will hand them a win!

58. How did you give back or contribute to your community?

Throughout 2018 I volunteered for a youth mentoring program and loved the children that I met. They were high school students living in my area who had wonderful idea that led them to giving back to the elderly generation being taken care of by caring staff at a local nursing home/retirement estate.

I also volunteered in the capacity of personal tuition time for those in need to learn emailing and the internet… I gave to people rather then asking for payment because I love to see the lights of people and need for learning turn on.

I also gave tuition in other areas of computer work i.e.. web designing and blogging.

I am dedicated to helping others.. and I very much love to help those who have the drive to help themselves. 

59. How much time did you spend with your family or loved ones?

My relationship with my Family, Friends & Loved one’s are the very things that keep me as a person into being the person that I am … the giver, the protector, the participant… they all mean much to me.. each person in their own ways & in their own capacity… those who know me know that I treasure those who I allow into my inner circle… and those who I have on my outer circle I also have much admiration for. I spent a lot of time with many people that I know and love… they all come with their own troubles and moments of love… maybe 2018 was a year where I spread my time with everyone evenly but I was there and here I remain. 

60. Who supported you and helped you grow the most?

There are to many people to mention here … and their reason may be big and others maybe small… but the definition of growth ad help of another no matter how big and or small is always a welcomed gift.

Steve and my kids have seen me through many hours of personal growth… and possibly more hours of days when I was lost… they are my main supporters, they are present everyday and when the days get hard we regroup and pickup where we left off.

My study group saw me through to my the end of my (then) studies & whilst we have taken on different paths I know that I wouldn’t have pushed as hard as I did without them being my wing men.

I was gifted a motorised scooter by a charity that I will not name her and a tax agent that was helping me mum with her yearly tax… together they have tried hard to return some of my lost independence… whilst I am not 100% without resistance I am grateful and I am able to see the valuable gift that I have been given.

My Ndis Man “Smile” and My lawn mowing man “Syd”…. they deserve merit badges… how beautiful can two souls truly be… yep they are doing their jobs… but it’s the extra miles and their continued support that sets them above all of the help that could be given.

Now that you’ve taken time to review your relationships, which ones do you need to invest in? And which relationships do you need to distance yourself from in 2019? What are your relationship goals?

Which relationships do I need to invest in? all of them.. even in the toughest of times nurturing the very relationships that have moulded me into the person that I am is worthy of the strength and struggles to work through the days that allows the stormy waters to rush in….. “no-one should be left behind” even the weakest link can prove to be strength in a broken chain.

2019 has me still looking inward to myself… my writing and my return to my writing has been the strength that I have needed in the rebuild of myself… “those who can not and will not allow room for my writing – my life’s storied mission are the very people that need to take a seat on my outer circle”.. I have given much to the people that I love and know… and now I ask that I be allowed with unconditional grounds and rules to be aloud to give to my self and my inner mind.

My relationship goals are simply to allow others to see my journey as a writer, talk about how I need to be nurtured by my written mind and allow my written thoughts to take on a place within me.. all on their own.

Working within my Self made Family to continue their growth and independence, giving them the room to explore themselves and  their own needs is my goal for this year… giving them a guided rope and saving enough energy to see them be pulled back to safety when needed.

But more importantly and hard as it sounds… those who value and love me will make the effort to be part f my world… it is my No#1 to except a 50% share of the responsibly and not that of the 100% effort and responsibility that I usually take upon myself.

So there it is questions 51 to 60 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 6 – Refection Questions Of Your Relationships.” Tomorrow I will explore Part 7 of  Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – it’s title “Questions For Your Career.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.

Day # 73 – ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 5 – Questions On Your Experiences From Last Year “

One of my pinterest pins had the following self reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 1o questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at Its All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the third set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that Reviews Your Emotions on the year that has just past.


Questions on my experiences from last year. A walk down memory lane and talk about what actually happened in 2018. What did you do, not do and wish you did? We hate that we didn’t take that trip, or we didn’t declutter our the house or that we’re still trapped in a life we hate. Sometimes it’s the little things like a leaky faucet we never fixed or not reading enough books, other times it’s the BIG things like wishing we could escape our toxic workplace or start a profitable business.
(copied from Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.”)

41. Where’s the best new location you visited?

Throughout 2018 I didn’t travel and or go away from my family home ( for holodays)… many of my activities were either in my favourite places & or haunts or they were in places that I had already previously visited.

What can I say about this but “I like being home… I like my own surroundings & I am guilty of liking my own comforts.

42. What’s the most exciting new thing you tried?

I taught myself how to crochet… a skill that I have been wanting to learn for years.
I also tried out a new web design/graphics program that I am very fond of – that software being Xara Web Designer 10 Premium – I used it often throughout 2018 in many of my client projects.

43. Did you accomplish anything on your bucket list?

My 2018 bucket was set out at the end of 2017… my bucket list has always been for the greater good of others… for the longest time the only thing that existed and had no heart beat was my deeply private want to return to my love of writing. As a child all I did was right, and there were moments in my childhood when I used to see it my minds studio/reading room surrounded by my wall to wall book shelves pushing through the end of my column’s deadline… then something in me changed.. that something came when my hearts deeply written words were stolen and shared (so I thought) around the neighbourhoods traps.

I vowed never to write again… but I didn’t stick to  this plan… instead of writing in my long suffering journal, I wrote poetry… year after year I started my journal over again.. and never got passed 5 entries throughout the year.. I was scared of my words and I was scared that my thoughts would become someone else’s amusement… so I just learned to ignore my yearn to write.

2017 Rocked around & I became bogged down by my studies (diploma of counselling) and I told myself “let me finish my studies and I will pick up the pen and begin to write again.”

I finished my studies and told myself that it was now time for me to be selfish & that it was time to put my pen to my page… there was no new years resolution for 2017 – and that new years resolution certainly didn’t have a new page of writing in its winds… that is why I started back at my writing on January 9th 2018… with no new years resolution and no pressure to keep a promise to anyone but me.

So “my bucket list” was more of a “do it or don’t do it list”…. finish my studies and go for head first into my bachelors or take a chance on me and my unwritten thoughts. I made the vow to start and here I am just over a year now and counting…

44. What did you plan to do, but never did?

I must sound boring but I spent 2018 exploring my own interests and want for my return to my daily writings. I spent many hours writing, probably far more than I should have… in my defence; I was bitten by my inner author and my inner creativity.

45. Have your tastes or interests change this past year?

I was always driven to the life of being an academic.. now I am drawn to my love of writing. I love to crochet and I love to hang at home with my family… I am not a hermit but I do love the quieter introverted life style.

46. Do you have a new favourite food or drink?

I have always been a Red Wine love.. & beer was very much so my least favourite drink… I didn’t like Rosé Wine much either…somewhere over the hours of writing I found a liking for beer and I found rosé wine to be very refreshing.

Red wine I see now made me a serious person, highly strung and didn’t allow much creative thought… beer and rosé wine gave me a les serious attitude and even chilled me down just a little.

My food habits haven’t changed much … I tell people that I am a vegetarian who likes to eat meat… my hubby calls me a 2nd hand vegetarian for cows themselves don’t eat meat….

So I was a vegetarian and I now eat meat…. (sometimes I really like it) and I was a red wine drink now I like beer and rosé wine…. but just so you know my favourite alcoholic drinks are cocktails… gin and whiskey (Jack Daniels & Bundaberg rum are my fav’s).

47. Do you feel guilty about anything you did?

Mmm… I try hard not to put myself in to moments or occasion to which I would later feel guilty for what I have done but there was a point throughout 2018 where I was to meet with a new neurologist for the treatment of my Multiple Sclerosis…. my neurologist I took an instant disliking to .. he was plain and simply rude rude rude…  he had a point and opinion about everything that I was asked to answer… initially he would ask a question and interrupt you & remind you that order for him to be able to help me that I would have to be upfront and completely honest…. he had told me that on numerous occasions throughout our first meeting so at some point I ask him where would you like me to start and what part of my story would he like me embellish & or stop making up.

He had asked me nothing personal about who I was and then he asked about my children… I told him that I have 3 children my eldest was born with Spina Bifida and my second was born 6 weeks prem…. and out of the dark he sprouted “primary progressive Ms … no no no I don’t think so …. I think you may be mimicking your child’s illness .

I looked at him and said the MRI’s are they fake to… ??

Looking at them he responded oh dear umm yah.. your diagnosis is maybe right but I want to do my own testing (may I add these test he sent me to were very early in the morning and 1 hour away & in the peek of morning traffic)… I told him I have children to get to school.

Looking down at me whilst he pinched me… he said cant someone look after the children? how can I help you if you wont help yourself….

I looked oddly strange at him and called him an idiot… I asked him what it in his medical training to learn “asshole bed side manners skills.”

There it is … not necessarily my regretful moment but probably a moment where I could have held my mouth shut!

There is a very small part of me that regrets not completing my Bachelors Of Counselling… I have deferred my studies & I know that I can always go back and pick it up at anytime… but like I have written a many a times before I don’t regret not finishing my studies… I am just slightly disappointed that I have let one of biggest wants of becoming a fully fledged counsellor go to the wind (for the time being at least).

48. What hobby did you spend the most time on?

What hobby did I spend my most time on…. mmm no surprise for those who are following me through my daily blogging submissions… “my writing” of course is the answer… I may be guilty of being found at my computer for way to many hours of the day throughout 2018. I spent the day working on my daily writes, blogging, crocheting to unwind for all day at my computer & web designs/graphic designing. There was a small amount of reading done away from my computer in all of my hobby interests… as well as a few moments out and about taking photo’s and editing them.

I am happiest when I am writing or being creative.

49. Did you enjoy learning about something new, if so what?

At the very end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 I taught myself how to crochet … (just a few different stiches and designs…. nothing spectacular… but beautifully coloured blankets and bed throws was just a few of my accomplishments.

50. What experiences stand out in your mind as “the best” and “the worst”?

For me the best and the worst parts of 2018 can at times overlap… I love family time both intimate family time and extended family time but I hate the dynamics and the politics of these gatherings…. I get exhausted by the reliance on the same people to organise these gatherings… and I hate that at time people don’t bring their happy faces, instead they choose to bring their ignorance’s and their bias’s.

I have had to learn to divide my time (and not equally) been my own private time and the time I spend with others… “on the best side of things – I have found my inner author… and my writing voice, I have found my calmness & my quiet place.”.. & on “the worst  side of things – I have become a little to introverted and a grapple hook is often needed to pull me out of my own zone.”

I regret nothing of my 2018… maybe that is the worst part of my solitude coming out.

So there it is questions 41 to 50 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 5 – Questions On Your Experiences From Last Year.” Tomorrow I will explore Part 6 of  Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – it’s title “Questions For Your Relationships.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.

Day # 72 – ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 4 – Review Of Your Daily Life “

One of my pinterest pins had the following self reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 1o questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at Its All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the third set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that Reviews Your Emotions on the year that has just past.


Let’s talk about how you feel about your daily life over the year. Was it awesome, great, good, okay, not bad, or horrible? What could be better?

The unfortunate side-effect of the New Year can be feelings of lost opportunity or even anger and disappointment for the choices we’ve made – or didn’t make. Staying stuck, stalling and being stagnant in our lives can leave us feeling furious and frustrated.
(copied from Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.”)

31. What did you want to do, but didn’t?

Through the year of 2018, I set myself many goals, many of which were goals that would direct my return to my daily writing into the direction of commitment & honesty that was far deeper than I have dared to venture into.

I enjoyed my daily writing so much, it gave me so much inner relief and so much of the inner pressures that I put upon myself were given a crutch to lean on… I was able to let go of the compartmentalising side of myself in many written days of my 2018 writing and allow myself to own what I think and feel without fear of having to hide what is truly in my secretive mind.

My 2018 goal was to see myself back at my daily writings, to build a blog, and allow room for honesty and openness in a journal that I had once kept so many years ago… the more I pushed myself to journal the further I got away from just starting one entry. I gave myself a compromise & started my daily writes at & that unfortunately was where I found my writing deserved and gave credit to my inner happiness that was scared and afraid of what I harboured deep within.

So what did I do in 2018 that I wanted to do? Journaling… I just could lay pen in my physical papered book… my pen was frozen and it remained so… so I searched my soul for my reasons and I knew that holding and writing in a physical papered journal wasn’t a place I was ready for… I haven’t let go of my journal keeping want.. 2019 is a new year and I have put journaling back on my goal list for 2019.

32. Did you step outside your comfort zone? When?

I think I am at time 2 people and those two people have both strengths and weakness’s in abundance… they also have the opposite in common.. one side of me is an introvert and the other is an extrovert… when people ask me if I am introverted or extroverted I always also that I am an ambivert (a person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features in their personality.)

One side of me is my inner child she is 8 and very free, wild almost… but she has a delicate child like state that doesn’t like strangers and hides in the shadows when they are around.

Then there is me, Tanya… I like to meet and help people out in the daily journey’s… I like to amerce myself in daily workloads that make me feel accomplished and well worked in my daily agenda’s.

I unlike my inner child like to meet people and often find myself taking on other peoples needs in order to help them out… I love being involved and I love working with people in chosen skill set of web designing & computer related technical work.

So together my inner child and I decided that we would find like minded people that we both liked, we joined a writing group, created this blog and for my inner child we wrote on the closed platform of in hopes that my inner child would find her voice and a safe comfort zone to off load her inner thoughts…

Together we went out of our comfort zone to let go of our inner fears, to write down our stories and together we co-exist today where I am often the fore fronted person as my inner child is now at peace.

33. Do you feel as if you missed out on any opportunities?

I chose in 2018 to forgo my “Bachelors Of Counselling” for what I would have though to be for a small break in my studies… I have questioned if my choice to defer was the right one, questioning if I would ever regret my decision to defer & the answer in my hear and now is NO! I do not regret my choice to defer & I personally don’t think that I will…. but that is my insight for my here and now.

Inner – Creativity burns a lot of day light and takes up many many hours and I thing that the only opportunity that I let go off was the connectivity that I could have experienced from people in the real world…. I was very much introverted in 2018 and preferred the company of my computer and my unwritten thoughts.

Maybe I could have sought out a few hours a week of volunteering in the field of counselling & youth work… that would help in deciding what the course of action would be for my studies.. clocking up a few hours of unpaid or even paid hands on training… but like I said I have no regrets.

34. What was your daily, morning or nightly routine?

My Morning Routine Is:-
– up awake and moving at 6.45am
– wake the kids at 7am (if it’s a school day 8.30am if it’s a weekend).
– pay bills, work out what the days agenda will be
– shower, teeth, hair, makeup and & dress
– play with my puppy Lucas & attend to his needs
– answer my mornings call list
– work on my client project till 1.30pm

My Afternoon Routine Is:-
– have lunch at 1.30pm
– run what errands need to be run & strive hard not to nap
– work on client activities till 4 pm (or is we are picking them up we leave at 3pm for a 3.26pm pickup).
– await my children’s arrival home from school at 4.20pm
– run afternoon errands till around 6.. or choose for the time to be family time or homework time.
– start dinner preparations around 6pm whilst watch the evenings news

My Nightly Routine Is:-
– dinner around 6-7.20pm
– prepare my daily writing for my blog & write for about 1-2 hours at my blog
– around 9pm I usually settle into my writing, most days writing both here and on my research for tomorrows writes till about 10.20 – 11.00.
– watch tv for a an hour or so of relaxation time with my hubby
– I do try to go to bed before 1am but sometimes I return to my computer and take on other writings until 3am (bad I know but this is my creative hours – the hours when I am very awake and have the ideas for my writings ready & willing to flow out of me).

Of course there are other things in here like keeping up with my online friends, and sitting for my online classes/groups… and of course the accessional mid morning nap sneaks in throwing my whole day out the window… but the outline of my general day is there for you to see.

Atleast one day of the weekend comes and goes … with good intentions I hope to spend it with my Family & extended family doing things that we all enjoy doing with each other… I try for the weekends to be free, but shamefully I say the weeks overflow at times gets in the way.

35. How did you waste the most time every day?

hmm how do I waste most time everyday?… well to be honest showering takes up so much time the morning can often slip away – my primary progressive ms hates showering and is often overwhelmed by how it feels by the end of my shower.

I like to watch my foxtels music vide channel, I love how it’s music can not only change my moods but it can also lead me into deep thoughts of writings for what I call “my song appreciations” – they are like reviews of a book… but I actually sit and rewrite my thoughts into the verse of the music and songs.

Of course there are times of the week when I procrastinate so much that I stress myself in the process of getting my daily writings complete – vowing each day to just get it done… a vow that I have a hit and miss relationship with.

Atleast one day of the weekend comes and goes … with good intentions I hope to spend it with my Family & extended family doing things that we all enjoy doing with each other… I try for the weekends to be free, but shamefully I say the weeks overflow at times gets in the way.

36. What negative daily habit did you break?

My negative daily habit that I have to break is my sound off moments that I have with my home telephone….

I scream at it at times in frustration for the constant calls that it rings… I love that people want to call and say hi but there are days when its a stop start, stop start day… when I am busy doing a website or fixing a clients computer I can see the value of a break… but I d hate a break in the flow of my writing… I like to be quiet and left to scribe out my thoughts…. but my phone is the one true pain in the ass and or constant demanding  ring ring in my ear.

37. Did you create any new habits?

– daily writings of course (in many more areas than what is discussed above).

– joined an online writing group that included weekly writing sessions.
– made agreement to do 1-3 meet ups with friends online (personal, writing group members and international friends).
– joined other online groups of interest

38. What do you wish you could do more every day?

I have just taken on writing morning pages that I take 10 minutes of timed time to write… I always said that I wouldn’t for I used to think that short thoughts were a waste of time… & I hated having my creativity stunted by the hand of a ticking clock.

I wish I would get into the habit of journal daily for 30 or so minutes… this is what I am working on in 2019.

& of course I wish I made more time to read things that didn’t include web designing texts or other peoples blogs, I’d love to read for the love of it & have a book that I read a chapter of each day.

39. Is there was one thing you could stop doing, what would it be?

The only thing that I would really like to stop doing is allowing myself to give an audience to other peoples scrutiny…. I so wish that people and their thoughts didn’t bother me & I wish that I didn’t have the room deep within me to internalise their words and take them to my heart.

40. Does anything feel incomplete or left undone from last year?

I do feel very content within myself, my growth and my completion of my 2018 wants for me list. So no I know that there is nothing left undone from last year, my choice were made to do what I am doing and if I had gone the way of completing my studies, I would indeed be answering yes to this question… my writing and personal journey path was my go to now cross road…

Now you have a better idea of how you spent your daily time. This is powerful intel, as it’s your daily habits and routines that help you become successful. How can you improve your days? You’ll be happier and more successful once you do.

I am content and know that my daily schedule sometimes beats me up and leaves me feeling lost or drawn to endless days of being tired but I know that I am breaking through my inner barriers and becoming the person that I have always wanted to be.

Maybe it would help if I added a moment of relaxation and unplugging to my day… no technology or writing books, no schedule or tickings of a clock… time for breathing and a non thinking mind, a yoga class or place for me to sit in nature… maybe what I am missing is a time out in and for my “airport baggage claimed mind”

So there it is questions 31 to 40 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 3 – Review Of Your Daily Life .” Tomorrow I will explore Part 5 of  Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – it’s title “Questions On Your Experiences From Last Year.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.

Day # 71 – ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 3 – Reflection Questions For Your Emotions “

One of my pinterest pins had the following self reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 1o questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at Its All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the third set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that Reviews Your Emotions on the year that has just past.


21. What did you complain about the most?

Complaining is something that we all do, it is our human nature to find fault in things that others around us do.
For me complaining isn’t something that I like to do…. complaining for me is a build up of internalised frustrations that over time build up and build up into a festered mess.These complaining/frustrating moments are from things like Family Alliances, Boundaries & Lines have been drawn on many issues – no one finds that its their place to end these turbulent times & No-one takes on ownership or cause of these moments.Other moments that I found that I complained about were over my right to choice my “selves inner peace” over the connectivity and family unity of extended family, never really feeling like that I am heard when it came to my right to distance myself from my extended family… my complaining seemed to always be in the fight for my right to choose to not be judge or have myself subjected to these moment that burden my soul… I was always asked the same question over and over “what about your husband, how do you think he feels, cant you try for him…?” it got to the stage when I had to scream and shout I just can’t care anymore… I have to put myself first… that after 20+ years of dedication to my husband & family I just had to say enough is enough… I had to give myself the strength to see that acceptance was something that I would no longer seek.

22. What are you most grateful and thankful for?

The things that I am grateful for are just the same as every other persons gratitude list… I am grateful for my “self made family” & how they have grown and bloomed into the greatest of people that they can be… how they have held themselves together through the Family wars and stayed true to who they are, finding their own paths in the world.

● I am grateful to myself for the journey that my return to my writing has given to me.. the dedication that I have showed in writing every day… the release of my inner wows and inner frustrations that have been replace with moments of gratitude and self actualising moments.

More than anything… I am grateful for “My Self Gratitude”
I have so many things to be grateful for… my gratitude hasn’t just been an overnight reality… I have had to learn patience and self-acceptance & I will be the first to admit that being grateful for my own self’s inner working has taken a great deal of time and strength in the acknowledgment fazes of getting to know me.
  • I am very grateful for my attitude; both good and bad (it delivers me from evil and helps me to show others that I am not a person who will be walked over or disregard). My attitude keeps me true to my self & in touch with my core beliefs and inner core values.
  • Through my self gratitude I have learned that I have always had a self sabotaging attitude that has taken me away from who I wanted to be … my optimistic pessimistic attitude that allows me to see the good in the bad and the bad in good has led me to always question myself and the things that I am doing, I am grateful that I am learning to control this element of myself… I look forward now to the changes that I will be able to make that will help me to live my life in a self-fulfilling nurturing environment.
  • I am grateful for my struggles for they have taught me to work hard for the everything that is in my life, no excepting hand out and putting my all into my family and my life’s needs have made me honest and honourable.
  • I am grateful that I am learning to be more patient with myself and others… learning that nothing great in life is just given to you… that the gratitude is in the working towards one’s life’s wants.
  • I am grateful that I can see my impatience in my Multiple Sclerosis diagnoses… I believe that if I was comfortable with my life changing due to the inabilities that my MS gives me that I would never truly learn to cope with future life’s changes and the lifestyle that I would have to be forced to adapt to.
  • I am very grateful that I have become a lot calmer within myself…learning to choose my battles rather than going head-on into snapping at the bitt or the heads of those who piss me off.
  • I am grateful that I do the best that I can do every day for the greater good of myself and my own self-happiness. This, in turn, helps me put my everything into being the person that I am for my a Family.
  • I most particularly grateful for my self-acceptance.. being ok with myself, being comfortable in my own skin (even on the bad days I can see the good in what acceptance of my bad days is trying to teach me).
  • Above all My gratitude plays homage to words that I write every day, it has been s a long way back to my writing and to the download of my thoughts… writing has always meant a lot to me and now that I am back into writing every day I feel less frustrated and much happier within myself.

23. Who or what challenged your worldview or your faith?

The year of 2018 was a year full of many Family ups and downs… sometimes I get so emotionally overwhelmed by the internal Family wars that they often leave me feeling detached.

I have struggled for many years to find my place in my Extended Families timeline… but there was a point just a few years ago when I gave up the fight for acceptance… Acceptance used to mean a lot to me & I often changed myself and my behaviours so that I could find my place and find myself a welcoming place at my families table.

Then one day after 20+ years I found myself looking at myself in my own reflection and couldn’t believe what I was seeing… I was tired and struck down but what I call sparkles emotions; I had become everything that I didn’t want to be… giving yet full of yearn for someone to see me, tired yet fully conscious and aware of how I no longer gave a shit of how people perceived me but harshest of all my reflections was looking at how hard and how tainted the words “unconditional love & family unity” have made me.

I have held in my “what about me” emotions for so long that in 2018 I began to fight back… at first I was going to fight long and hard to find my place and recognition within my extended family’s unit & then suddenly it hit me stop fighting, stop allowing this to be my fight & let that fight be someone else and let them start the long walk and fight back to me.

Family relations, love, loyalty & compassion will always be the very things that challenge my faith.

24. Were you ever “triggered”? By whom or what?

Like every other person in this world “I am triggered by inner wars and stress’s of built up descriptions” – things that I may have aware of and things that fester and build up over time…

These inner wars and stresses are “body conflicting moments” that play havoc on my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis… I get exhausted easy when these moments arise… but slowly I am learning coping mechanisms and skills that help to alleviate my directed burdens of these moments.

25. What were you most afraid of happening?

What am I most afraid of happening…? Of course like everyone on this planet I am afraid of the moments that bring loss and death to those people that I love and know, I am afraid of unknown events that lay in the winds that serve to alter a persons day or life’s events…

But my number # 1 what am I afraid of thought is directed to my family of course… My thoughts are not just in & or for  myself made family, they are also for my immediate family, my extended family and for the people in my life that I have chosen to be more than just my friends – they are the family that I have chosen for myself.

I am afraid that these people that I hold special relationship and value for will never see or understand the true value of love, affection and gratitude for them… I am afraid that something bad or unforseen may happen before people truly awaken and see the truth worth of their place in my “Self Built & Given Community.” the questions here how many of us truly value the people in our community? How many of us would for go our own prejudices to find an “unconditional” space for each of us in our lives? I am afraid these questions will never find a rhyme a reason or a place to the lives of any of us.

26. What made you the happiest and the saddest?

What mad me happy?
There are many things that made me happy throughout 2018. Some are as follows:-
● Happy to have witnessed the growth & continuing life making changes & choices that my “Self Made Family” are continuing to make. Taking their worlds into their hands and striding through lives making huge steps and strides into becoming who & what they want to be.
● I am so happy and grateful to myself for my gift of my return to my writing.
● I am honoured to have joined an online writing class & whilst the weekly meetings may have folded, we all still remain in contact and have regular meet ups.
● I am grateful that I decided to put my “Bachelors Of Counselling Studies” on hold, giving myself the time to put my dedication to my studies in check.

What Made Me Sad?
A few things made me sad throughout 2018. These things are as follows:-
● I was the saddest when I saw that my eldest Son was not as attached to his 2nd car as he was his first… then watching him look for his 3rd car broke my  heart… he seemed so detached and un-wanting to face looking for yet another car again, the joys of car ownerships was certainly not with him.
● My choice to distance myself from my extended family almost broke me. On one hand I knew that the choice had to be made, I knew that my mental health was suffering and so was my family relationships. On the other hand I internally wanted to remain in my extended families grasp to work on things… in order to make memories and not moments of detachment.
● I lost a few very close friends throughout 2018, each of them meant so much to me and for many different reason. Watching as their family members hearts broke knowing that I was suddenly just an outsider and a person that they know… I felt lost in their grief.

27. Do you have a favorite memory?

Everything that happened in and around 2018 is a favourite memory, even the sad moments and the moments of stress, loss and heartache gave me the lessons that have taught me greatest of lessons and gratitude.

But If I have to choose a favourite memory It would be  the return of my long lost friendship that was 21 years lost to us all… building back our trust and friendship means a lot to me.

28. Is there a memory that you can’t stop replaying your mind?

I try not to dwell on what was yesterday, I remember what was in fondness… choosing to see even my life’s toughest of lessons as moment of inner strength building.

The good and the bad times I replay them all as they show me how far I have come from where I once stood.

29. What was your biggest disappointment?

My biggest disappoint in and around 2018 was deep within myself… my indecisiveness in, on and around my decision to continue or defer my “Bachelors Of Counselling Studies.” I at time wonder have I made the right decision to defer; as becoming a counsellor was my forever dream and want… have I made  the right the right decision? at this moment in time I know I have… my heart wasn’t all the way in it… I have tired and warn out and my call for my return to my love of writing was stronger.

For today I am content in my decision to defer only tomorrow will tell if this decision was the right one.

30. What if anything, worried you and kept you up at night?

Mmmm this is a funny answer… the need for some repairs and or home improvements to my families home made me loose sleep.

We were meant to have a bathroom renovation done that was supposed to be started in June/July and here we are in January 2019 and it hasn’t yet started.

We also are in desperate need of our homes guttering to be… this keeps me awake most night as I know that the longer I leave it on the back burner the worse it will get… The gutters over flow and my moody rained out attitude takes on a whole knew identity of itself.


Now that you have some evidence from your emotions as to what’s going on in your mind, start to think of ways you can address the underlying issues. Are you too negative, and do you need to be more positive? Perhaps you’re always overthinking everything?

Underlying issues… am I to negative or to positive?
I have been working on myself a lot throughout 2018… I don’t feel that I am either to negative or to positive what I am is at this moment in time content with the personal changes that I have made within myself that allow me to see the value in both the good and bad elements of my life, my emotions, my health… I have always said that I am an optimistic pessimist – that I see the good in the bad and the bad in the good…. today I choose to write my way through my internal questioning moments & push right through to the clearing on the other side.

I am not overthinking things anymore… self growth has allowed me to see the here and now along with the struggles that have me present in my todays moments.

So there it is questions 21 to 30 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Review Part – 3 – Reflection Questions For Your Emotions .” Tomorrow I will explore Part 4 of  Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – it’s title “Review Of Your Daily Life.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.


Day # 70 – ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 2 – Review Your Overall Health “

One of my pinterest pins had the following self reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 1o questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at Its All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the second set of 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that Reviews Your Overall Health  on the year that has just past.howweuseit.jpg

11. What was your typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner like?

Breakfast in my house usually comes & goes before I even realise that I have missed it, but someday’s I will have 2 pieces of toast with smooth peanut butter, other days I may have 2 pieces of raisin toast with a smear of margarine… I like to have either orange juice or a lemon flavoured cordial with a side order of ice cubes (I live on ice-cubes throughout my days – 6-7 cups daily) but most often then not breakfast time is a hectic time and I m guilty of skipping what is said to be the most important meal of the day.


Lunch time has become a very important daily intake for me… I have found that since I have been given my diagnosis of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis that I do need to eat a balanced lunch – I actually prefer lunch over dinner and breakfast… I find that I am able to eat a far greater variety of food then at any other point in the day.

My lunch time meals often consist of varying types of foods – from things like egg, lettuce & cheese sandwiches, to open club/steak sandwiches, to vegetarian pasta dishes, to salad and cold cut bread rolls.

I sometimes add fruits like peaches, apples, oranges to my salads and have that as aside accompaniment to bbq roasted chicken.


My dinner menu’s are family thought out.. we often take a morning vote to which we all offer up a choice and the majority ruling is what we have later that evening.

Dinner can often consist of well balanced meals that have 4-5 food groups in them most days.

Some of the menued meals that we enjoy are:-

● Homemade Chicken Schnitzel With Baked Sweet Potato Chips
● Rissoles with mash potato’s & vegetable (carrots, corn, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potato, snow peas, long beans etc).
● Spaghetti Bolognese with 3 colour pasta
● Lasagne with mash potato’s and vegetable or even an Italian salad with peaches and apple added.
● Homemade pizza with choice of toppings
● Beef & vegetable soup with garlic bread & rice
●Minestrone soup with cheesy garlic bread

● Homemade Chinese food
● Roast pork or chicken on the weekends
● 1 pot luck red chicken with curly pasta or brown/white rice
● Bbq steak, sausage, potato’s in the jackets, mushroom, egg, grilled tomato, sweet potato and of course a garden, Italian, French salad.
● Cannelloni
● Taco’s / Fajita’s
● Old family fav… meat & 3 veg (usually steak)
● Chicken & steak kebab’s
● Marinated chicken wings with rice

Most meals are accompanied by vegetable or a salad (that themselves have varying fruits). There are many other dishes that my Family & I enjoy together.

12. How much sugar or junk did you consume daily?

I am guilty of having 3-4 glasses of Pepsi a day… I also drink 5-7 glasses of water a day as well as I always have ice cubes on hand that I snack on throughout the day (6-7 cups daily).

As for junk food… if I am need of a pic me up I will have a piece of fruit… the occasional biscuit or bag of chicken flavoured smiths crisp chips. I do prefer to snack on ice cubes chips throughout the day.

13. Did you have any allergic reactions to anything you ate or drank?

Before the age of 20 years I was never allergic to anything food related – these days I am allergic to foods high in citric acid i.e. lemon, limes, oranges & tomato’s. Sounds crazy but I can eat them but have to limit my touching them with my hands as they do occasionally come out in blisters.

I am also allergic to whole uncooked onion, these I choose to stay away from as they stink and make your body smell also… I can eat dill and spring onions as well as dried onion flakes.

14. Did you exercise or move your body every day?

Sadly exercise is limited at this moment… my primary progressive multiple sclerosis is playing havic on my balance and my funky walk. I do walk around my house and try to work up atleast 800 steps a day.

Big change from working everyday and being on the run with 3 children doing the Mumma chores of shopping and school pickups.

I should exercise more, but my exercise is at times ruled by my bodies pain level and my Ms daily symptoms listing.

15. How did you practice self-care?

I practice self care daily in and around my daily writing schedule… writing in my daily writes, my blog and my personal journal helps keep me grounded. If there is spare time to be had I tune out to relaxation music or favourite music bopping tunes of choice… seldom I also dabble in my 3 granny square crochet blankets and backpack projects that I currently have going.

I also research a lot of varied material for my blog and writing projects, so reading has a big part in my days journey.

16. Did you take any mental health days?

Mental health days that are scheduled are seldom but from time to time I take out 3-4 hours a week where I actually unplug from my technology and the environment around me and take time to rest.

17. How did you relax and rest?

I relax and rest by taking small “moment refreshing naps – 30 mins” these moments are rare but sometimes my Ms has other plans and on purpose shuts me down for a few hours at a time.

I also relax by watching documentaries or the evening news on the television.

There are also many varied activities that my Family & I like to do when we are feeling that we need time to reconnect… we look forward to these days as our varied schedules are often long and on totally different paths.

I at least 2-3 days a week catch up with my online friends from around the world – some for 15-30 minutes others for an hour.. whilst others are on and off moments of back and fourth communicating with throughout the day.

18. How much “me time” or alone time did you spend?

As beautiful as it sounds I work from home most days (sometimes I do a call out to a client needing their computer looked at)… I am a web designer, a computer technician, a writer & a part time blogger so I actually feel that I spend way to many hours alone ” in me time land.”

In the evening I may write for 1-3 hours in the late evening… this helps me to get my thoughts out … as well it helps to help me sleep through the night.

19. What stressed you out the most or gave you major anxiety?

What stresses me out … mmm at meal times “loud chewing”

During the day “repetitive behaviours / ground hog day and the ignorance of people thinking that because I am home working that I must be living it up and have nothing better to do and choose to sit on my ass all day”

Ignorance and self pity are pretty high on my top 10 pet hates of people… I offer to help when and where I can and often teach strategies to others so that they can learn the coping skills that helps to enable their self care.

To be fair.. I think that I am pretty easily agitated… but I have learned coping skills over the years that helps to prevent the turbulent behaviours of my frustration from coming out.

20. How did you relieve or release daily stress?

I relieve and or release my stresses by listening to relaxation music or other favourite music types of mine.

I have learned to reward my stresses with a few moments out rather than taking these moments into built up moments of explosion riddled behaviour..

When all else fails to relieve or release my stresses I amerce myself into my web designing, my blog or even my writings… putting my self in time out to work on my many projects is oaten all the time that I need to see things in a totally different perspective.

Asking and answering these end of year reflection questions about your health isn’t enough! Take it one step farther, by asking yourself “how can I make healthier choices for my mind and body in 2019?” What changes can you make?

“So how is it that I can make healthier choices for my mind and body in 2019?” What changes can you make?”

Well the answers to these questions are pretty simple to answer, but putting my answers into practice are the difficult part of my journey.

At the end of 2017; I vowed to write everyday in either a blogging format or an online writing platform (… I started back at my writing journey on January 9th 2017.. (one year tomorrow)… for me writing and chronicling my life’s stories and journey has been indeed my souls saviour.

Throughout 2018 I added Blogging to my daily writing journey and have now been a full time blogger for 3 months slowly coming into 4 months.

This year in 2019 I have added a few other writing avenues such as morning pages (which I was sure that I would never take up), daily journal writing, poetry, writes on and about written & pictured quotes, & song appreciation just to mention a few of my 2019 writing avenues.

“My writing keeps my mind, body, soul & spirit on and even keel…. giving me self satisfaction and a great deal of pride in my writing accomplishments…. so for me my healthier choices for my “mindfulness” is well in check.

I would however like to get out into the outdoors a little more… staying out of direct sunlight of Australia’s summer heat… I am thinking of adding a weekly photography shoot to my weekly self driven schedule – a collection of local photos and of favourite place that I can use throughout my 365 Day Somethings Blog.

For my exercise needs I have a love for yoga and may very well benefit from taking up yoga again… maybe looking for a group of yoga enthusiast’s that are from the multiple sclerosis community.

As for healthier food challenges…. maybe eating a small breakfast out of habit – a piece of fruit and or yoghurt may very much help me in keeping my energy levels up.

The only other change that I would like to make to my weekly schedule is the joining of a multiple sclerosis support group… gaining outside education from others and meeting others with multiple sclerosis may very well be the very thing that I need to put a few of my nagging ailments to rest.

So there it is questions 11 to 20 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 2 –  Review Your Overall Health.” Part 3 of  Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – it’s title “Simple Reflection Questions From Your Emotions.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.


Day # 69 – ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions “

reflection.pngOne of my pinterest pins had the following self reflection set of questions that I though was very interesting. So I sat down and began to answer the questions that were being asked and I thought that my answers and the website were worthy of sharing.

The website offers up 100 questions that are titled “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” divided into 10 separate sections of 1o questions in each section.

The website & its questions can be seen here at Its All You Boo – By Author
Nadalie Bardo.

I personally have sat down to undertake the challenge of answering Nadalie’s reflective questions as I feel that they will help to settle me in the year of 2019 after helping me to reflect on 2018.

In today’s daily blog post I will be looking at the first 10 questions of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions” – a set of questions that look at and reflect upon the year that has just past.howweuseit.jpg

1. How do you feel about your last year?

2018 was a mixed bag of moments that helped to make up my 2018.

At the end of 2017 I vowed that I would return back to my long lost love of writing, that I would make an effort to write on a daily bases and that I would I would find it within myself to write  at least once daily; this is when I found

When I was in the decision process of starting back at my writing I had applied to do my Bachelors Of Counselling; I knew  that I had the yearn to do my bachelors but my yearn for my writing was stronger… at first & for 3 months I thought I could take on doing my bachelors and my writing… but I seriously under estimated the work load of both hearts yearns… I knew that I would have to choose been my love of writing and hearts desire to become a qualified Counsellor… so I thought I would do the next best thing and put my studies on hold… and pursue my love of writing… & at some point slowly edge my way back into my studies….. but at this very moment I still haven’t chose to return to my studies & I haven’t made the decision as of yet to when I will be.

Returning back to my love of writing was for me the best thing for me, I found a sense of calm in writing everyday… & I found that the more I wrote the better I felt both personally and within myself.

I took on other self growth challenges also, one being my yearn to write a blog… after joining an online writing group I took on a group challenge of a 365 day blogging challenge (which is what you are reading now).

Finally sitting down and putting my blog online was one of the scariest and most personal growth journeys that I have ever been on, trusting people with my inner thoughts and keeping to a daily writing schedule seemed to agree with me… but don’t be fooled this journey into writing about me & my life’s stories wasn’t the easiest of paths.

If I have to look back and say one thing about me starting back on my writing journey it would be this… “I should have started back at writing daily so much sooner than I did… the best decision that I made for myself was to find that the inner strength to start tapping away at my keyboard and trust in my heart to deliver what my soul had nurtured for so long.

2. Did your life change and/or stay the same in the last year? How?

As I wrote above in question 1 – 2018 was meant to be the beginning year of my Bachelors Of Counselling, the year that I would finally give myself the qualification that I had wanted to obtain for the longest of times.

Gaining my life long want of becoming a counsellor had been my number 1 goal for many a years… but I noticed that through my Diploma Of Counselling studies that I was being drawn to return to my writing… I then thought about pursuing my want to become a blogger (as a side line hobby) but as I went day by day into writing everyday ad eventually blogging I knew that my workload was getting long and heavy… even more so I knew that I had to make a choice between continuing my studies and my writing… so I put my studies on hold and began writing everyday.

I did make a decision to take back up my love of writing whilst a took a period of leave from studying… I had just the year previous finished my “Diploma Of Counselling” and was feeling just a little burned out and was looking for a small break.

Who knew that 2018 would lead me through to the year of finding myself through my writing… so yes 2018 was a year of change for me… I took on a personal journey of rediscovering my love of writing & finding my happy place in the process.

I have however not given up of my Bachelors Of Bachelors Of Counselling dream… I have for now found where it is that I want to be… my Bachelors dreams are still there but they are not my priority at this very moment.

3. List three of your “greatest hits” from last year.

When I read the words “greatest hits” I take this in a two folded way.

1. music and 2. what were my greatest achievements.

So music wise my top #3 2018 anthems were:-

My music anthems of 2018 may not necessarily have been born in the year of 2018… but they were the anthems that drove me throughout my years journey.

● “You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me” – Cher – Burlesque

A dedication to myself and writing journey that had me screaming that I am still here and have much to say… that by hell or by high water I was going to be heard.

● “ Catching My Breath, Piece By Piece, Because Of You “ – Kelly Clarkson – Kelly Clarkson & her heartthrob power ballads are songs that empower me through my self-growth and the rebuild of my scorned soul. Kelly Clarkson brings to me a great piece within myself, showing me that with the right person and warmest heart that I couldn’t rebuild myself by gaining inner strength and learning to lean on the love of my life who has pledged to my hearts lifelong support. – Because Of You is the backbone of my husband Steve who has stood beside me, without a wavering heart but with full commitment to us being 1. Even when times were tough you stood fast and worked tirelessly to prove you meant every vow in your pledge to me, all alone standing with me and beside me building us up Piece By Piece. Because of Steve I never strayed too far from the sidewalk (from his heart and our unity).

● ” Brave ” – Sara Bareilles – I love the lines Say what you wanna say and let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave… – I think it’s refreshing to hear people speak their truths whilst being brave in the deliverance of their thoughts and words & it’s even more refreshing that someone would ask someone to speak their mind rather than deterring a person from sharing their thoughts and feelings.

My top #3 greatest achievements were:-

● My number 1 accomplishment was putting my pen and keyboard into action  & telling myself that written and thoughts should be written. Giving myself permission against all inner insecurities to find myself in my writings and thoughts
● My 77,000 plus word count accomplishment in my daily writes at
● Meeting & maintain relationships with my fellow writing buddies at our “Sunday Night Writing Group” Platform. Being in contact with a majority of them in both a writing and personal level.

4. What are you most proud of? And why?

I am most proud of my personal journey and how it is that I not only gave myself permission to write everyday… but how I set out to offload my mind and souls thoughts and thinking’s and ended up finding a group of people that work along side each other and encourage each other no matter what journey they are on.

I am very proud that I stuck to my goal of 1 full year of writing… having almost completed my goal of one year… I am proud to say that I have the writing bug and have no intention in stopping my verbal daily blah blah blah’s anytime soon.

5. What was the biggest “boss level” challenge you faced?

My biggest “Boss Level” that I achieved throughout 2018 was facing my fears of writing again and telling myself that I needed to symbolically throw the sticky notes out the window and up-grade to a writing book or journal. In a sense telling myself to put on big girl panties and get on with it.

Personally my biggest “Boss Level” was in making piece with my inner struggles with my “Multiple Sclerosis” coming to terms with my limitations and allowing others in. Being honest with my struggles helped me to see my own backbones strength & in return this gave me the okay to have an off day from time to time without fearing the opinions or mindless chartering’s of others.

6. Would you have done anything differently?

Whilst 2018 wasn’t the easiest of journey’s, there were many hidden events and happening unfolding in my background life… I am pleased to say that the only thing that I would have done differently would be to have  started my writing journey much soon than I did, and I certainly would not have procrastinated for 10 months in the wake of my blogs development.

7. What major life lessons did you learn?

Major life lessons are plentiful when you are struck down with a life altering ailment… being diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis hasn’t at all give me the skill of “patience” but what 2018 has taught me is the roar truth of who I am and who other want and perceive me to be.

Learning who is there and who sits in the wings has indeed been the hardest of lessons to learn. Letting others into my isolated mind and world has been for the hardest of lesson to learn… letting go of my need to be own self everything, allowing others in and allowing their hand to stretch out in a helping capacity is a world of lessons that I have had to grow into.

8. What were your “ah-ha” moments?

“ah- ha moments came in finding my stride and life’s barriers in many untold stories. I found myself in my daily writing’s and I was able to see the benefits that my writing’s were giving me.

My biggest kick ass ah-ha moments were in my self discovery… learning how my morally driven and strong willed nature was in fact ruling my life…. learning  that my stresses in life were very much my own self’s fault… taking the worlds issues onto my shoulders and finding the answers to them had become what kept me from my own wants and needs. I was in fact my own instigator of my stresses and the holds that help me back from a calmer me.

I also learned that listening to my body and my mind would allow space for my own wants to come alive. Giving myself permission to take time out to write and find my hidden author (without thought or fear of other peoples thoughts or questions that had me questioning what do I get out of writing everyday & why would I want to write everyday?)… I had to remind myself that it is ok for me to follow my dreams, wants and desires & that I was entitled to find myself in my own life’s want and hobby.

9. Did you set goals for last year and did you achieve them?

My goal for 2018 was to sit in my own reflection and ask myself what it is that I wanted for me… sitting down and looking deep within myself and identifying what is that I truly want for me.

I don’t like making New Years Resolutions so I told myself back in November 2017 that the new year of 2018 would have me back at writing and filling my journal and poetry pages with my daily writes and thinking’s.

Starting a blog was in the winds … but I was yes no yes no in the design side of things… so if I was going to start a blog it would have happened in its own due course.

It wasn’t until I joined an online writing group and was presented with the idea of the groups members each having their own blog that would become a 365 Day Blogging Challenge that I actually say down and put my blogging wants into action.

so my 2018 goals were a personal journey goal list… that helped me to decided the following:-

– put my bachelors of counselling on hold or finish my qualification in 18 months.
– return to my love of writing in a daily write capacity.
– join a writing group or fellow writers to write along side.
– start, build & maintain a blog based on my interests and multiple sclerosis journey.

I am proud to say that I started and am continuing on in all my 2018 set goals and glad that I made the decisions that I did.

10. How did you achieve your goals? If you didn’t, what went exactly wrong?

I have always been a pretty headstrong and strong willed person… I knew that my writing was calling me.. and I knew that I wasn’t 100% in fulfilling my study wants… I felt that I was where my career wants wanted me to be, but ZI wasn’t at all being mindful in my personal wants and needs.

Building my goals was easy…. I told myself this is what I was going to do.
Fulfilling my goals… I thought that fulfilling my goals would have me getting so far into my writing… I figured that I would eventually get writers block or run out of things to write about…. but I am just short of my 1st full year of  continued daily writing and I am still going strong.

What went wrong in all the above was my stop start stop start blogging journey wants… I found that I was so and down with my design elements of my blog that my blog didn’t go live until October 2018… 10 months late. Having been asked to join in on my writing groups 365 day blogging challenge… pushed me into a new start date of October 4th… giving me the want the incentive and the kick in the ass that I needed to hit the procrastination ball out the ball park.

So there it is questions 1 to 10 of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – Part 1 – Essential Questions To review Your Year.” Tomorrow I will explore Part 2 of  Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions – it’s title “Reflection Questions For Your Health.”

I look forward to exploring more of Nadalie Bardo’s “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions, the end result and or outcomes of my honest reflections of me and my year of 2018 will certainly be an interesting 1.

So how about it…. Challenge yourself to Nadalie’s ” 100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions. ” here at her blog ” Its All You Boo ”

Author. Tanya Kelly

©Nadalie Bardo – “100 Personal End of Year Reflection & Review Questions.

Day #62 – ” Dear Past Me… “A Note To My Younger Self ”

Below is a writing exercise that is titled “A Note To My Younger Self “

“A Note To My Younger Self “is a letter to my yesterday’s self that reflects upon my journey of many challenges… this is blog post is a writing exercise  that offers up insight to the life’s path that I have walked… offering up insight but not enough to alter the path of my younger self’s future

imagesX5M45SKZ“A Note To My Younger Self ” …

Many years have passed since we have entered this world & learned to walk, talk, eat, drink & sleep through the night. Much has happened but I am her as proof that  we survived.

As A child we were a quiet book loving introvert who kept to herself & managed to evolve in a small company of who we called close friends. Our childhood wasn’t always easy and many struggles kept us locked away in self protection mode.

My dearest past self here are my words that I will tell you about the Me that makes up Us…

Some of our journey will be heart breaking, our resolve will be surely tested. Some of what we will go through will for sometime hold us back – we will grow to be introverted liking more and the company of only we but this too i have learned will become a lesson in love and trust… forgiveness wont be easy and why should we offer forgiveness you will surely ask but I will tell you why my younger self and it is simply because if we do not learn to listen to the what we know in our hearts, we will pull ourselves through the struggle and never get loving us.

As we got older we learned to trust the people we felt safe and sheltered by, we should have known then that everything has an expiry date… even the relationships that make our days seem brighter.

lovedbymeAs a teen our relationships evolved and at many key times we were happy and blissful in our own bubble. The weekends were filled with get togethers, bbq’s and swimming… adventures to the sea side and the occasional weekends away.

We have entered into relationships with others some good and some bad. Some of these relationships dissolved with mutual agreement and others passed on through natural progression. We in our own opinion always put fourth a foundation of treating others as we would treat ourselves and we have been know for often putting others first but at age 42 (the age i am today January 13th, 2018) I know that I must work on putting us first. For you my younger self in our years to come we will go through many hurdles in the years that will pass.

Friends will come and others will pass, people that we hold deer and close to our heart will push us to the limits of our very core – the struggles associated will in time pass, but the length of time and longing ness for the familiar voices will never leave.

Our life isn’t all dreary… our self created family will become your everything. They will fill your days with the strength that you will hold, they will be your everything. Family to us is the very centre of our core.

Our health will have its hurdles… most will come and go…. but someday soon in your future you will become aware of that little something that has ailed us should be the imagesCUK1UK9K.jpglittle voice you should listen to. As hard as some days will become; we too will survive this… this journey maybe ours to be on, but I feel that we were given the task to teach others along the way. Hold on tight, not everyday is easy… but we certainly could, would & should learn to be a little easier on us…yesterday’s self we were born headstrong, independent, open minded and very determined to be who we want to be, but yet I know from experience that I have been to hard at me.

My younger self I could only wish that I was more confident in the me I cover up. I am less self spiritual (I have lost my way in my faith, but I do not “Denounce God”). I feel he has tested me and handed me far greater than my share… but my younger self “We meaning you .. will to survive this.”imagesBI02AO9I

Someday beside you will walk with one of this earths greatest souls, together hand in hand. You need not be told who this may be because someday soon a face will become part of we. Learn the lessons that unity has installed, not every day will be roses but love and foreverness will become the everything that you will become.

Let your face and heart be held tightly, let him caress your heart and soul, let the depth of your unity be the bubble that will surround you both.. everyday will be a journey of strength and of struggle but if you have faith in the path that I have already walked; you too my younger self will know the true side of forever love.

Enjoy your journey my younger self, there is much coming your way. Don’t let others imagesTJW3XC2Acurve your enthusiasm or dim the fire in your soul. What others think of as arrogance will serve you well.. stay strong for who you are; for who you will become will be forever faithful to the very person that you will become.

” I wish I could protect you, or show you even more of the journey that you are yet to take.. but I cannot alter your reality  but I do hope that your journey is different now that our life’s insights are yours.

I want you to know that I know our journey may be at times difficult, but I now at the stage in my life; like the view from where I write this note to you.”

Written By
Author. Tanya Kelly
“A Note To My Younger Self”

Day #61 – ”My Cracked Mirrored Pane”


Almost like a mirrored tile sitting way up there on a dull lit wall, I find myself gazing into a cracked mirrored pane in the wall that appears to be showing me a reflection of the person in my soul, beckoning and yearning my very glance, not wanting me to be afraid of it or even walk on by.

I sit and glare at the cracked mirrored pane for hours it does seem, wondering with curiosity if anyone can see the cracked mirrored image starring back at me. The reflection in the cracked mirrored pane may mirror my every move but to me it appears to look nothing like me.

Curious; I question what, why and whom is this shadowed figure is playing in my mind. I watch for hours till the sun has set and see that the characteristics of the shadowed face can barely now be seen.

Is the shadowed figure lonely, or looking for a place to sleep?

Hours pass and I catch a glimpse of the shadowed figure trapped near the surface of the cracked mirrored pane. No longer is it mirroring me; my actions, behaviours or even my gentle yet curious smile. No longer can I see its glance for it no longer seeks my attention as i stare at it from where i sit.

The shadowed reflection stands directly behind me now brought fourth by lighting shinning down upon the wall.

I can see the shadowed figure but no longer seek the answers to whom and what it is, for I have become aware that i am who is appearing from the cracked mirrored pane. My selfreflect.pngfigureless shadowed face a reflection of my lonely soul. I can see myself so clearly now, so vivid is my reality, that through the cracked mirrored pane the true me is who I see.

The shadow that stands behind me now is the reality of whom I could be, I need not be faceless or unrecognisable by all that pass me by. The lesson that I have learned tonight has been bestowed on me by myself. I have been holding myself back from the reality of the treasured gifts that our world has to offer in abundance. I have been hidden behind my protected walls with only a small glimpse of who is me.

I had yearned for the attention of others to pull me out of my protected self. No passers by saw the real real me, protected and held in safety by my cracked mirrored pane; I became a faceless shadow trapped within my sheltered heart, a deep but not darkened place that sheltered me from being me. Through my shadowed, protective. cracked mirrored pane I have been shown the truth of whom I truly am. I never sensed that no one could ever not be seeing and hearing me. I never felt my disconnection from the world, from the truth that I hid from me. I lived my life (so I thought) just as everyone else was doing, step by step – day by day never questioning how…of why I live this way.

My intentions were to build a wall to aide in building a safe place. My fear of rejection became my hide away, i had imprisoned me. I can see myself now so vividly now and know what I must do! I do not want to be that solemn faceless shadow looking back at me.

I will take down my cracked mirrored pane and replace it with a shelf, rewarding it with my collected treasures; adornments of who I will become . Never never to be forgotten but to be reminded of the person who once lived within. It is time for me to regain myself and to take down my cracked mirrored pane so that my protected, shadowed self can join the reality of us being we.

Now there is and never was a shadowed cracked mirrored pane hiding me away from me. What is left is ME, the very me that I can be unprotected by my cracked mirrored pane, left open to reality without fear of feeling pain. I can see my world so clearly now, embracing it with both hands. I am out from my hearts protective place “my meeeeecracked mirrored pane” my journey has begun, I am learning to be me again.

My Cracked Mirrored Pane is a collection of verses into who I had become. I guess I was always very introverted, even when i was very young, preferring the company of the written world.

I could always see who I was, but through the process of my Counselling Diploma I became aware of how ridged in my self reflection & self protection that I had become… I preferred to stay blanketed rather than showing others the real & true me. 

People have the ability to gain a draw upon a misconception of people, their thoughts, tk2018behaviours, expressions and even the interpretations of another persons stories… it is after all human nature for us to question and build upon our life’s lessons and therefore our transcript into the world that is us.

For me My Cracked Mirrored Pane governs me to who I am.
I was never going to be a conformist to the ways of others wants, I was always going to be an individual and knew that this may lead me to a world where I had to become my own best friend. If I could go back and “do it all again” I don’t for one moment feel that my paths history would change me – for as hard as being so introverted is… loneliness may come and go, and at times knock even louder at the door but in reflection when all is said and done…

What My writing says here is that “I AM CONTENT IN WHO I AM” no matter what others think or feel about m and no matter what the reflection of my cracked mirrored pane may show me.

Written By
Author. Tanya Kelly

Day #60 – “My Words Of Scribe”

I am happily sharing with you a few of my self written pieces of written works that I have written over he years… celebrations of who I am & written pieces that show you who it is that I am.

I am hoping that through my written works that you will get a look into who it is that I am.

My Words Of Scribe
I scribe my words;
Of thought of fear,
I scribe my words of;
Of hurt and tears,
I scribe my words;
Of thoughts of remembrance,
I scribe my words;
Of Love and heartbreak.
My words of scribe;
Will one day tell one or more,
That I was once here.

Written By
Tanya Kelly

The Colours In Our Life

Like the colours on this page;
You fill my life with many special spectrums.
Red is for the colour in my cheeks,
That the words I love you bring to my face.
The colour blue is for the tears in my eyes,
That you take away with a loving hug.
Green is for the garden,
Where we have made our home.
The colour pink is the blood;
Running through our veins.
The swirls are for the turbulent times;
That you and I will pass on through.
Each of our spectrum colours mix with black and orange;
Symbolising the busy little bees,
That we always seem to bee.
We you and I;
Are like a rainbow,
We show our many colours,
Through the love that we have for each other.

Written By
Tanya Kelly

Written By
Author. Tanya Kelly

© Copyrighted By Tanya Kelly. 2018. All Contents Of This Blog Including But Not Limited To; Poetry, Graphics, Photo’s Are Copyrighted. None Of It’s Contents Or Part Thereof Maybe Used Without Prior

Day #59 – “Ripples Of Life & The Interpretation”

Here is a poem titled Ripples Of Life”
A self written poem that I wrote many years ago in celebration of my life & my journey. There is also a self written interpretation of Ripples Of Life” below my initial writing.

I do think that my self titled pieces titled “Ripples Of Life & Interpretation Of Ripples Of Life” are very much important written piece of both my past and present life settings. These Pieces of writing celebrate my journey & how I got where it is that I am in my life’s journey.

Ripples Of Life
My reflection presents itself;
As I steep down into the abundance of my depths.
With the autumn leaves crushed,
They show the pathway to the beginning of my journey.
The droplets of water;
Fall from depths of un-known heights,
But quickly dry in the warmth of the afternoon sun.
The golden rays forbid the darkness to overwhelm;
The beauty of the keepers soul.
Like moss on a stone;
The grasp held in times of hardship,
Reflects purely on the willingness and beliefs installed in oneself.
In the midst of my journey;
My roots are up-rooted,
And again earthed with gentleness of love and care.
In years to come,
My path will have weathered,
but still detectable by the gifts of my womb.

Written By
Tanya Kelly

Interpretation Of Ripples Of Life
I present myself as I step into the roles of my life.
As I walk,
The path behind me is clearly marked.
It shows my life from its beginning;
To its present.
The tears that fall from my eyes,
Fall from deep within my heart,
But quickly dry as they fall upon my face warmed by the sun.
My heart made of gold;
Doesn’t allow the problems and insecurities of the world around me,
to over shadow, or to tarnish;
The good that I do.
My hold on reality,
Helped by my beliefs and willingness in myself,
Helps me pass through times of darkness.
I go from a young child to my early and late teens,
To grow into the beautiful creature;
God intended me to be.
As years pass, my body will have aged,
But my gift to the world,
My Gift of words,
Will still remain.

( This is what the poem is truly saying )

Written By
Tanya Kelly

Written By
Author. Tanya Kelly

© Copyrighted By Tanya Kelly. 2018. All Contents Of This Blog Including But Not Limited To; Poetry, Graphics, Photo’s Are Copyrighted. None Of It’s Contents Or Part Thereof Maybe Used Without Prior