“Relationship’s Matter”


Not everyone gets the same version of me

One person may tell you
That I am an amazing beautiful soul.
Another person may tell you
That I am cold hearted.
Believe them both
For I act accordingly.

I am not 100% certain of where I found the above written quote, I copied it down into my notebook without referencing where it came from (so not like me) but where ever it cane from; it comes with a message that is truly unique to our individual needs. I have since found this written quote on TheMindsJournal website…

What this written quote says about me is that I am not the same person to everyone… that there is a small part of me that is able to exist in a whole different personality then the one that others usually meet & see.

This by no means doesn’t mean that I am not being my true self at all times… it simply means that some people have a way of ruffling my feathers and the nice, happy, kind and the do anything for anyone side of me gets tired of being pushed to the ground… the result of this usually results in my personality altering itself and its perceptions of people… a fight and flight mode erupts in me and I end up choosing that done people are just not the people that I want in my circle or around me for any reason.

If I had to choose a symbol that represents my friendships and relationships that I set to make or have made with others it would be that of an onion… there are many layers to an onion and just like an onion there are many layers to being known as a friend to me… I admit that I may not be as accepting or as open to making friends as some other people maybe… I make no apologies for my own selves self preservation mode that always has my back…

Being friends with someone is a very personal adventure… I take on all my friendships and or relationships in a very personal manner… it may take me sometime to make trusting and long lasting relationships with others but once I have I hold onto them for life.

There is no sugar coating how it is that I feel for others and there certainly is no time for glazing over the responsibilities that my inner self has in keeping me from the making connections with people that in the long run do not serve the needs of not only myself but also the person/s on the other end.

As  written by Mark Manson in his post titled “Every Successful Relationship Is Successful For The Same Exact Reasons”
(copied & written both in and out of context of Mark’s wording)

Communication, no matter how open, transparent and disciplined, will always break down at some point. Conflicts are ultimately unavoidable, and feelings will always be hurt. The only thing that can save a relationship & or friendship is unerring respect for one another… thus is the case for any relationship… relationship or another status of connection.

Without that bedrock of respect underneath you, you will doubt each other’s intentions. You will judge their choices and encroach on their independence. You will feel the need to hide things from one another for fear of criticism. And this is when the cracks in the edifice begin to appear.

I consider myself to choosy no picky when it comes to making friends… I believe that some people were meant to cross paths… some people were meant to come into our lives… they start off as strangers and end up becoming our world, our tribe, our people and others are just bridges in the journey of our life they are a means to an end… a pathway to our next adventure and or destination… I maybe choosy in what relationships & connections that I to form with others, but this is because I respect myself enough to hold on long enough to have the people around me that work within my needs and scope of things to fulfil me and moral standings.

I admittedly always enter a relationship with trepidation, I try so very hard to leave my need for interaction and connection at the door of the opening to my soul… I am probably to much in the know of what my soul needs in a friendship and or a relationship and this is where I personally falter…  I always walk quietly and silently, sitting in on conversations friedships101.gif
where I quietly sit listen & observe the interactions and conversations of those in the room…

Then there comes a time when I feel comfortable enough to move on into the  building blocks of my connections & I am ever so aware that I am guilty of putting myself online in the hope that my wants and needs of and for a relationship are met… I am also guilty of being so bloody honest (both a blessing and a curse)… I often tell people of my expectations, my wants and my needs “in face value; I can see how this can be seen as intimidating and in your face.” I with most probability come across as being to head strong, to wanting… and I am most definitely guilty of carrying a check sheet of what I want in my connections with others… guilty guilty guilty !

In the end what friendships, relationships and those momentary connections do for us is that they give us different perspectives and chances to learn difference and tolerances that teach us how we want to be treated and how we when all is said and done go through our lives treating others.

Simply putting it… Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there. They are meant to serve some sort of purpose, to teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are and who you want to become & on the other side of the flipped coin we often know within ourselves who isn’t meant to be in our lives… sometimes we convince ourselves that someone is meant to be there when they actually serve no purpose at all… sometimes out of guilt, pity or reluctance to move on we keep what is known and comfortable to us out of fear of change or the fear of the unknown. Every person has something to teach us… whether a person stays in our lives for an hour, a day or 10 years.. they are the right amount of time for you. Simply all relationships & friendships have a life span… time us the only unknown factor to expiration date of those we connect & relate to. 

Time is a perspective of numbers… & people are with us for as little time or as long of a time that our inner selves learn the lessons that they come bundled with.

“If you find yourself in my friendship circle then you have proven to me that you come with the same things that I need and want in my own life… & you have also proven that you are friendships.jpg
in for the long haul or that you come with the lessons that will guide us both to where we need to be. I never come into any of my connections with others in a one way circle… I give a lot of myself in my willingness to learn & be taught how I want to e treated and in how others wish to be treated in return.

Friendships & relationships are not just a destination for me… I always cone on board the friendship & relationship train with long jeopardy in my heart, mind & soul… I don’t expect the same level of connection from those around me… but I hope that other people understand that when I no longer feel that my friendship and relationship status is being served; that it is then that I must move on…

As  written by Mark Manson in his post titled “Every Successful Relationship Is Successful For The Same Exact Reasons” 

Shitty, co-dependent relationships have an inherent stability because you’re both locked in an implicit bargain to tolerate the other person’s bad behaviour because they’re tolerating yours, and neither of you wants to be alone. On the surface, it seems like “compromising in relationships because that’s what people do,” but the reality is that resentments build up, and both parties become the other person’s emotional hostage -Author Karen-

For many of us, our friends are an extended family — and family can be hard work. But I think it’s worth remembering that we have as much control over the people we socialize with as the people we date, and thinking of each individual friendship as its own love story can help us evaluate our own needs and behaviours. That might entail discovering friendships that have passed their expiration date, but it can also mean renewing our appreciation and affection for the ones that haven’t.

“Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than the government. It is almost the equal of family.- Don Corleone”

Who ever said that making friendships, relationship & connections with others was easy… certainly hasn’t been through the mill of connectedness and bust ups with others. In the end what matters is how we serve our own personal and interpersonal needs and how we hold ourselves both morally and judgementally in all that we seek to gain and receive from others. 

“The fact is relationships are imperfect, messy affairs. And it’s for the simple reason that they’re comprised of imperfect, messy people—people who want different things at different times. Mark Manson in his post titled “Every Successful Relationship Is Successful For The imagesT6NC2FVG
Same Exact Reasons”

When all is said & done relationships, friendship and connectedness with others are hard work but they are also worth the time in putting your best self and efforts into building & maintaining their fragile inner and outer cores.

Friendships, Relationships & Connections are all about Nature & Nurture. Nature is learning the skills & art of maintaining a Friendship, A Relationships or Connections with others… & Nature is harnessing the gits that our Friendships, Relationships & Connections give us, giving us time to grow and change in our wants and expectations of others as time passes by in our relationships with others.”

Author. Tanya Kelly

“Re-Reading My Own Chapters”


As I wrote in an earlier blog post of this week; my last few weeks have had my tied up in a few inner and 3rd party struggles that had me feeling very overwhelmed. As the days went by and my usual happy self chose day after day to not show up, I began to question myself and overall state of mind.

I have struggled before but something was different on this occasion… being told that I was quite possibly in a rut… tiring myself out for reasons only known to me just fueled the fire that had me on the back foot of my own calmness… looking at my own self from a far for the moment of peace that I usually found in the hours that I usually sat down and wrote for… but as the days went on; even my daily writings failed to the peaceful place that I exist in when I write.

Staying in my RUT or BAD MOOD … call it what ever you will… it came clear to me that the only thing that could do any good for me was to allow the time to pass all on its own… it was time to let go of my own selves expectations and let the days hours pass and let my schedule go with them…

Then as quickly as I let go of my inner struggles and that schedule that had me overwhelmed and seeking a quiet & solace place for my thoughts to write… I knew that I had to take a break from my writing also, purely because I was putting a lot of energy, energy that I didn’t have to keep up with my many daily writings.

What snapped me out of my own inwardness was a combination of things… some I have just this week written about in my blog, but the following write up that came across my desk helped me to find my footing and my minds solace and my writing voice.

This post meme written by E.V. Rogina Agathokakological – an author for TheMindsJounal.

The written verse in the meme read like this: –

I am still learning
how to go back & reread
my own chapters
without feeling like I
want to set all of my pages
on fire.

I knew that I had to give my mind & body their space to reboot and regain their mindfulness & will to return to life’s grind stone, something came over me & I became trusting of the unknown… I knew that I would soon be ok and that my pen & it’s ink would soon enough to fill my page.

“Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn’t more complicated than that. It is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without clinging to it or rejecting it. Author – Sylvia Boorstein”

I am so glad that the last few weeks and the overwhelming feelings that have encircled them have now passed… I am feeling contented in my own mind & body… my soul is again at peace… & of course; here I am back at my desk attending to my daily writings.

SignedAuthor. Tanya Kelly


“My Uitwaaien Time Out”


As with all languages, there are certain common Dutch words and phrases that simply don’t translate into English. Many of these linguistic curiosities beautifully capture specifibreaktime.jpgc aspects of Dutch culture, whilst others resonate with English speakers despite their cryptic nature.

Today’s daily write is about a word that describes why I haven’t been keeping up with my daily blogging posts and daily writings for the last few days and or weeks.

We writers tend to live in our heads and its necessary for us to step outside and enjoy the sunshine more than every once in a while. Shaking up your routine can sometimes, inadvertently, lead to you generating some of your best material”
~ Mitchell Martin Jnr ~

The word that I am dedicating today’s daily writing to is UITWAAIEN –
Pronunciation l aut-vwl-en (OUT-vwy-ehn) & the origin of this descriptive word is Dutch.

Uitwaaien is a verb, and it is an “untranslatable” Dutch word with no perfect or equivalent English translation. It is pronounced something like OUT-vine.

Uitwaaien, literally translated means “to walk in the wind,” to take a brief break in order to clear one’s head.

Uitwaaiening is a verb that represents itself by its rough translation; that being – taking time out to go walking outdoors to gain better insight or calm down after a stressful event. Although ‘Uitwaaien’ usually connotes forest paths or windswept beaches, its possible to ‘Uitwaaien’ in parks or even gardens.

Why would a person take an Uitwaaien moment… well a person would take out an Uitwaaien moment in order to clear their head in order to lift or release the burdens of a person’s heavy heart or over worked mind & life… an Uitwaaien is done by taking a brief break in nature or open space.

For the last few I have been feeling a little over run and a hell of a lot overwhelmed by the fast pace and the happenings of my busy life.

I am guilty of allowing things to overwhelm me.. I have had my busy mind trapped by a pile of paperwork and many different feelings and emotions.

I knew that I was becoming very inwardly tired and I certainly felt the weight of the world on my shoulders… the affects of this very deep level of exhaustion was holding me down and I felt as though I was going to collapse under the weight of my life’s pressures and struggles.

I felt very strongly that the best thing that I could do for myself was to allow myself the right to take a small time out… I needed a break from my ever winding was writing here and woman-walking-away_largethere but most of that was being done in my scribbling’s and notebook. My scribbled notebook writings unwritten and just like the Dutch word Uitwaaien my written words were not being written and uploaded to my daily blog writings.

In all honesty I thought that taking a break from my daily writings. Would give me the much needed break that both me and my mind needed in order to find a patch of calmness and quietness in my mind… but if I have to be completely honest; I became even more weighed down but the words and the daily writings that I wasn’t writing than the actual reasons for me needing to take out my few weeks of Uitwaaien.

I found interests in some of my other long forgotten musings… i.e. crocheting and reading… I was able to start a new crochet blanket (I was pleasantly surprised how quickly the flow of my stitches cane together). As for reading; I haven’t read like I actually did in my Uitwaaien moments for some years… I was reading 1-2 books a week and I found myself on many occasions loosing myself in the words and characters of the writings of my chosen books..
For the first time in a long time… my crocheting and reading musings had me locked deep into a period of reflection and thought… I thought about many things and I found that I was longing to offload my mind in a mind map exercise; an exercise that had me working on reprioritising my daily workload and the many thoughts that were flooding my mind and thoughts…

I yearned everyday in my own absence the permission to pick up my pen and go back to my writing; the place where I knew that my solace was in my writing… I knew oh to well that I was never lost or lonely when I was writing but for some reason unbeknownst to me… I became uneasy and unable to string together my thoughts and words that up until this lost in my self moment my writings flowed with ease… I saw myself struggling and wondered what the hell was happening… & in the long run I decided to not fight my overwhelmed seld and the very things that were weighing me down and I allowed them the time and space that they needed to find the fresh air that they needed.

At first I put pressure on myself to return to my daily writings on an everyday basis and then I decided that what I needed was a date a date that would have me returning to my love of writing… in setting this date I chose to not set it in concrete and the pep talk began “take as much time as you need to unwind and untangle my mind and thoughts..” and hear I am back with a clearer mind and thought process… still not 100% back so happy to find that familiar solace in the words that fill my heart, mind and soul with contentment.

I knew from the get go that all I needed was some time in my own space, where there was no schedule and no need for me to control my every thinking and thoughts.

M.E. Time
By Gordon David
Reference – https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/m-e-time/

This is me time
To do what I gotta do
So please just let me be
I’ve always been there for you

Yes it’s me time
I owe you no apology
You’ve had nearly all I’ve got
Now I must be on my way

Because it’s me time
I just wanna be on my own
I’ll do what’s best for me
So I need to be left alone

Yes this is me time
I just need to do some thinking
Some peace and tranquility
You know I won’t be drinking

For it’s me time
Can you see it in my eyes
I need some time for me
I’ve always hated goodbyes

This is me time
I can deal with the physical pain
It can’t really hurt me
I think I’m just staying sane

This is just me time
I’ve gotta think of number one
Instead of everyone else
To undo all the knots I’ve done

I just need some me time
Do things I feel I need to do
I’ve nothing left to give
It isn’t me this time it’s you.

I need my me time
I am trying to make you understand
That it’s not easy being me
So with a virtual wave of my hand

this is me time,
time for just myself
I’ll be in touch some day
when I’m in better health

I am so happy to be back with my pen in hand.
Author. Tanya Kelly

Song Appreciation – “The Greatest Showman – A Million Dreams”


greatest-show_mini.jpgSong Appreciation – “The Greatest Showman – A Million Dreams”
Sung by – Artists: Hugh Jackman, Ziv Zaifman, Michelle Williams
Movie – The Greatest Showman
“The Greatest Showman – A Million Dreams” – Lyrics

I close my eyes and I can see
The world that’s waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one’s been before
But it feels like home

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I’ve lost my mind
I don’t care, I don’t care, so call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design

‘Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make

There’s a house we can build
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away
The special things I compile
Each one there to make you smile
On a rainy day

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say we’ve lost our minds
I don’t care, I don’t care if they call us crazy
Runaway to a world that we design

Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make

However big, however small
Let me be part of it all
Share your dreams with me
You may be right, you may be wrong
But say that you’ll bring me along
To the world you see
To the world I close my eyes to see
I close my eyes to see

Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
A million dreams, a million dreams
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make

For the world we’re gonna make

Video Clip Url – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pSQk-4fddDI

Song Appreciation – Questions

1. What does the title of the song tell you it is about?

The song title is a “A Million Dreams” – what it says to me is that someone has spent some time dreaming for sometime or even a million times over for the life or the being that they want for themselves.

2. Read or listen to the song quietly. What is happening?

When I listen to the song “A Million Dreams”… I hear the love and passion of uncharted territory… the long of a love that has lived its presence in million long dreams of a heart longing touch.

I hear the youth of a new love showing its maturity in the yearn for the unknown hold that love installs in the hearts of every single person or every single soul that has ever love anyone in a far greater capacity then he or she has ever loved another.

A Million Dreams is a vivid song that flutters colours and euphoria in the love that is seen in those million dreams… sing breath, belief and reality into a world that is yearning to be real.

3. What is your first impression of the song? My impression of the “A Million Dreams” is the very feeling that reminds me of the love that I felt when My Dreams of loving my husband in the flesh and not in the dreams and wants that I had for him.

Our wedding song by Savage Garden – I Knew I Loved You talks about my exact feeling and connection that I had for some years before Steve and I actually became one.

There’s just no rhyme or reason
Only the sense of completion
And in your eyes, I see
The missing pieces I’m searching for
I think I’ve found my way home
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

I understand the euphoria that the song A Million Dreams

A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I’ve found you
Is how my story started… my story & its reality, beautiful colours fade away the world and the people around you when you find reality in the dreams that colour the world of love that fills the world and hearts of two finding love for the very first time.

4. Now read the song a second time. Notice how it is punctuated. Do any images
stand out to you?

The image that comes to me is a prom dance night, the lSt dance of the evening where nothing exists but the music and the lights flickering the colours of the falling glitter and confetti into the euphoria that exists when two hearts find each other.

5. Is there a rhyming pattern? What is it? Is there a noticeable rhythm to the words?

The rhythm that tge song A Million dreams is of an out of breath person in love talking quickly so that they can talk of the love that has ones heart in it grip…

Patterns painted in coloured huge flashing light hitting the skys…

Deeply felt is love in yearning that it has a noticeable heart beat that beating fast in the story the song A Million Dreams sings.

6. Is there an obvious meaning to the song?

Yes absolutely there is an obvious meaning to A Million Dreams… and sing so beautifully of its expectations of a love that is dreamed of over and over again, soon to be live in reality that will soon breathe life into its world & words.

7. Is there an implied meaning?

The implied meaning is known “A Million Dreams” all of the same story.. the deep and burning yearn for the vivid love that ones heart dreams of; over and over again.

Song Facts
Reference – https://www.songfacts.com/facts/ziv-zaifman/a-million-dreams

Written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul for The Greatest Showman soundtrack, “A Million Dreams” is sung by the young P. T. Barnum (Ziv Zaifman) to his future wife Charity Hallett (Michelle Williams). He tells her of his dreams for the future and explains his confidence that if they work hard for it, they will come true.

“We wanted to show a couple of things. One, that this flame of a dreamer that is Barnum always has a vision. He always wanted life to be larger and colorful than it was. We wanted to show that’s the kind of thing that ran through the character from when he was a kid to being an adult.

But for the story, we thought it would also be interesting and ironic that he expresses this dream as a kid and when we meet Hugh Jackman as an adult now. He still has that same dream and he still hasn’t found that thing. He still hasn’t built the house, so to speak. He hasn’t been good on the promise he makes to himself and Charity. So that dream is kept alive.”

This was the first tune that Pasek and Paul wrote for The Greatest Showman and it served as their audition for The Greatest Showman. However, nothing was assured. “Every song in the movie we wrote in a competitive way, because we were never hired as the songwriters for the movie,” Pasek told Billboard. “We had to submit a song for each song moment.”

More Facts

Reference – https://www.songmeaningsandfacts.com/a-million-dreams-by-ziv-zaifman-featuring-michelle-ingrid-hugh-jackman/

The people around him think he is losing his mind for dreaming of such. Yet despite this opposition he is committed to achieving a reality based on his fantasy. Indeed he can’t sleep at night due to nagging yet wonderful imaginings of a reality he feels he and his fellow believers are able to create.

The second verse then gets more specific in identifying that the song is indeed about a particular person. As such we get a gander of what it is he is actually conceptualizing, which are exotic items that bring joy to peoples’ lives, even on depressing days. Likewise the business P. T. Barnum was engaged in was circuses.

The subject of the song then switches from a young P. T. Barnum into his adult form. Yet once again he is expressing the same sentiments as in the pre-chorus. In other words, the adult P. T. Barnum possesses the same colorful aspirations that he had as a youth.

During the bridge, P. T. Barnum’s wife, Charity, joins him in singing. She expresses that she shares his vision and is there to support him throughout his journey to make it come true. He relays the same sentiment to her.

The song concludes on the note that P.T. and Charity are indeed actively engaged in creating “the world” that they both dream of.

Quick Facts about “A Million Dreams”

This song was performed by actors Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams. These stars, including Jackman, actually sang this song.

Songwriters Justin Paul, Joseph Trapanese and Alex Lacamoire are credited with composing this track.
“A Million Dreams” was produced by Benj Pasek and all three of the song’s writers.

The song appears on the soundtrack album to The Greatest Showman. That album is titled The Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. It was released on December 8, 2017.

My Interpretation Of “A Million Dreams”

Through the doors of the world we built
I walk on in
I scan the room for the familiar smells
That beckon me to your side

All day long I have day dreamed of holding you
Caressing passion burning bright
Where I in my mind I have kissed you a thousand times

Words are meaningless b445ed0913dbd8b55a7ce48c9c018504-hidden-doors-surrealism-art.jpg

Silence encircles
No words are needed in exchange

Slow motions
Mirror the two of us
Wrapped up in the euphoria
Of the lost hours where our eyes didn’t cross
Nothing better than falling into the abyss
Of our hearts in tune

“I close my eyes and I can see a world that has spent it’s hours waiting for me”
There I hug you
Standing tall in a stance
Where my heart lights up the sky

I’m not crazy
And I haven’t lost my mind
You are the earth my footsteps walk on for
Cradled heart
Two minds as one
There is nothing more wanting
In my beating heart
Than the love that wraps us in its warmth

You are the vision
That I once used to dream
Now your standing
Heart to heart
Arms in grip
Nothing could ever top this feeling
For I have found my reality
The million dreams that I used to dream

Those dreams of you
Were once so vivid
Now I feel your breath breathing with mine
Cradled in arms
And hearts deeply entwined
You are my world
And my only one.

You are the million dreams
I no longer dream
For you are the unfolding of was once just a dream.

By Tanya Kelly

I love this song that has me writing about it in my today’s writings… it takes me right back to the day when my hubby Steve became real flesh and blood, the touch and feel of a person that I had met some 3 years on three separate before.

As written on May 19th, 2018 – What Words Would I Have Spoken To You On Our Wedding Day –

istockphoto-500117975-612x612.jpgYou Are My Best Friend,
My Sense Of Completion
The Missing Pieces That I Was Searching For
We Both Complete
Now That We Are One.

& again talked about my euphoria of love for my hubby Steve in my writing dated:- October 27th, 2000 – Here’s To Our 18th Wedding Anniversary October, Saturday 28th, 2000 where I wrote the following:-

Through the sands of time, Many days went by But I never let go of your picture in my mind. I promised myself that I would someday find you Reconnect with you And make you mine.

You’ve always been hidden Far back in my subconscious But every now and then There would be a whispered word Nudging me telling me that you are never far That someday soon; You will materialise and become forever mine.

There was a time in those years Where I gained a glimpse of you But the mesmeric fields of love Never aligned us on the same path.

Your name was heard In the traps of other peoples words… And just as I accepted That our love may never to be; Like a genie in the wind, You appeared in the flesh And there you were in front of me.

A stolen kiss from a stranger in person But in my dreams, this certainly wasn’t our first. Then it came That you become mine Loving you always And far more than one lifetime should allow.

Written By
Tanya Kelly

Author. Tanya Kelly

Day # 138 – Writing Challenge Question “Tarra – Nicholle Nelson”


Ok so today was day #1 of a 10 day writing challenge.. (like I need any other self imposed Tara Nicholle-Nelson.jpg
projects in my daily schedule).

The Writing Challenge I Am Undertaking is – The SoulTour Community – 10 Day Writing Challenge – Tarra – Nicholle Nelson –
http://www.taranicholle.com/30-day-writing-challenge. This writing challenge will go from March 19th, 2019 – March 29th, 2019  (10 days as the name suggests.

So here is the Writing Prompt of the Day #1: What’s Your Game Name Now?

After an example of what  Daenerys Targaryen “Game Of Thrones Heroine calls herself and why… I thought Ok… ” How Hard Could It Be To Write About Me In A Mouthful Of Formal Descriptiveness? “

Daenerys Targaryen’s name goes like this: “Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Daenerys Targaryen.jpg
Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.”

Tarra – Nicholle Nelson goes on to say in her writing instructions of Day #1’s writing prompt that Daenery introduces herself with her name followed by a long list of clauses that detail her feats and describe who she is — and wants others to know she is — at her essence, now, constantly updating her name as she lives and evolves.

So…. knowing that I have Only seen season 1 complete, and part of 2,3 & 7 in bits & pieces, & not truly knowing anything about Daenerys Targaryen … lol I thought … how hard could this exercise be..?

I wont bore you with my long drawn out version … but here is what I wrote…
Tanya House Of Kelly, Of Australia – Sydney, (Will Be Forever Known Under Other Known Aliases. Ms. T (Pen Name), RiteMinded (Pen Name), 365 Day Somethings (Blogger Name), Angelfacepoet (Pen Name), Tan (Shortening Of Name), Wife Of Steve, Mom To Sean, Nichaalus, Katijana & Human Wanna Be Lucas Jack Russel Kelly, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Relation, Cousin, (All Rightfully Earned Names) Web Designer (Career), Writer, Author, Blogger (Chosen Hobbyist Names), Ms Warrior (Illness Known Since Diagnosis In 2014) , Counsellor (Last Known Educational Qualification).

582 characters long… do you think that you will fit on my drivers licence, or on the signature line of any important document ? … ” nah yah right probably not ! ! ! ” We have to be grateful of our simple language at times… even a badly written paragraph of text is far easier to read then the formal writings of yester years… don’t you think ?
Come Join Me @ The
The SoulTour Community – 10 Day Writing Challenge – Tarra – Nicholle Nelson –
Click Here

If You Are Intrigued about what Tarra offers up in the ways of writing prompts in her 10 Day Writing Challenge at “The SoulTour Community.”
Author. Tanya Kelly

Day #137 “Why I Write Verse”


Today in my day-to-day research and daily writing endeavours I came across a small verse  that I would live to share with you.

This verse gives me the reasons and the validity to why I sit here everyday and write as whywrite2.jpg
much and as often as I do.

Maybe it won’t be famous.
Maybe it won’t be a movie,
but that is not why I started it
and that’s not why I’ll finish.

Author. Ryan Reudell
Legendary Writing

This about verse is the very reason behind my writing; I don’t seek fame or fortune and I don’t seek a box office hit, my only goal for my writings is for my heart, mind & soul to find peace in every word they write.

I personally write everyday to leave a legacy and some documented evidence of my life and of the lives of those who paved their way before me… a memoir, an autobiography, a collection of unedited thoughts… a well researched family tree or a box full of priceless documents that show who our ancestors once were.

” When She Came To Write Her Story; She Would Wonder When The Books & The Words Started To Mean Not Just Something, But Everything.
~ Markus Zusak ~ The Book Thief  ~

I can tell you that my writings have always meant the world to me, but as I have gotten a little older, mainly since my children have come to need less and less of the every moment of my everyday… I have found my voice in my written words and those words have become the everything that I am, Someday’s I spend hours writing and as of late I have begun to chronicle the stories that my Family future generations will some day lean upon for historical reference and unspoken reference… For me personally I know that I would be lost if I couldn’t write… if my words failed to fill my pages; I would certainly cease to exist… so whilst my mind is sharp and willing to bare the long hours of writing I will sit and write until there are no more words to be written.

I don’t write for other people, but love it when I read what someone has written about my
whyiwrite.jpgdeep and sometimes mindless written thoughts, I write for myself and for the stories that need to be told… the reminders of our history… reminders and keepsakes for the generations of youngsters that will follow in mine and my ancestors well walked path.

 I write because it make me feel alive in the every word that I write… & when I have a moment of tearyness of stories a long time forgiven – but begging to be told, I will look upon the scripted words laying written on my page and think of them as a moment in clarification and as a moment in spent unburdening my soul.

For those who think my writing is frivolous (not having any serious purpose or value), I say this… To you my writing hours maybe be torturous and tedious and those hours tapping away on my keyboard or scribbling in my note filled books may seem to be a waste of time…. Call & see my written and writing adventures however you may see them, but I will serve out my years; chronicling to my day’s end.

Maya Angelou says all that needs to be said for why it is that I and others write… ” The Idea is to write so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.”
~ Maya Angelou ~

A story that impacts on another person life or reading heart of another person is a story worth its reading time… even the simplest of written words can and will have an impact on someone’s life.

“There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic.”
~ Diane Setterfield ~

Author. Tanya Kelly

Day #134 “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?” – Part #4


“Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”
Reference/s –
https://themighty.com &

img_3811-1When I write about my story of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis I write in a personal way… I write about PPMS as if he was a real person , with a real identity…(I have humanised him and even given him a name and a gender, his name is “My Story – and his gender is Male”

There are times throughout my writings where “My Story” himself makes an appearance & he is allowed to have a voice and even writes in the first person, I choose not to write for him (as a person telling another person’s story – in a disconnected third person kind of way)… “My Story” does have his own identity and he in fact as of late has started to identify himself as a comedian… (a self amused writer… as I personally see him).

I do think that in giving a human form to the identity of my PPMS, by giving him a name & a gender, by allowing him to speak in his own voice, in allowing him to identify himself as a comedian I think that I am just putting a lighter side to a diagnosis that exists in my body… that works against me in my everyday life… pushing its boundaries and “kick ass attitude” into my even white knuckled painful daily journey.

I have written before in and throughout my writings about my PPMS about how I feel that I am in my day to day life of having Ms test I know that I am in a fight with myself and my diagnosis to maintain who it is that I am…. and who it was that I was before my diagnosis of PPMS came to be a small part of who it is that I am now. I have written about how it is important for me to maintain my mind, my thoughts and my ability to learn new things.

And I have written on numerous occasions of my fears of how I would struggle to lose the who and the what parts of the very person that I am… what would I do without my thoughts and my mind processing and working abilities?? I would hate to think… my god I think that I would be better off being lost to this world than I would be if I had to live in this world with a diminished reality of whom it is that I am.

And there are times when I share a personal side of my PPMS story and how it affects me … just recently in a post I wrote the following:- “My Story”… I even thank him kindly when he makes me crash head first into the walls of my hallway… I don’t particularly find it funny when he trips me up on my many times folded socks (I have small feet and my socks have a mind of their own, together “My Story” and my socks work hard at pissing me off), but I give them a mouthful.. throwing my sox into the washing basket screaming “you deserve far worse treatment but maybe a spin in the washing machine will teach you who is boss..”

It sounds ridiculous… but getting mad only feeds the pain and symptoms… of “My Story” and my PPMS… I have found that humour humiliates both my symptoms and my ass-kicking socks and momentarily I feel a release of it’s at times overwhelming pain threshold that it can at times have over me.

I do tell people who ask about my Ms… that I Have Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, It Can & Will Kick Me In The Ass When It So Has The Need & Or Want To… But Humour Keeps It’s Hold On Me From Knocking Me To The Floor.

I do choose to get up everyday knowing that at this moment in time that there is no cure for Ms, that there is only trials, treatments and day to day struggles…I have on many occasions been told that I am way to positive about my PPMS diagnosis “Like Really – Was That A Sentence, A Statement Or A Judgement ?”

I have told many people over the years since my diagnosis that there is truly no point in seeing the bad side of my Ms diagnosis, that crying & screaming “why me ?” isn’t for me… I tell people that at times Ms may have a tight grip on my pain threshold, but I believe that humour and giving it an identity like I have keeps the strong hold and the amount of medications that I have to take down to the minimum.

So I say to you my readers …. that maybe I am way to positive or even casual about my PPMS and its diagnosis/symptoms and maybe that positive attitude is too positive of an attitude for some people to handle… but for me, having a positive, humanising, humorous attitude about my PPMS is how i cope and get by from day to day – being positive works for me and whilst my positive attitude may not dwell well with others… I say to that…. What others think and how they feel about my positive attitude is just that “their thoughts” I choose not to weigh into the thinking’s and thoughts of other people… my journey and the way I go about it is what makes my Ms story personal to me…I choose to laugh in the face of my own diversity…  ” I refuse to use MS as a crutch or an excuse for the bad days that may block my day-to-day paths, I put on a brave face each & everyday… wearing strength & inner perseverance like a super hero cape even when the days have me feeling like I have no energy to power on.”

Awhile back I wrote the below poem titled “This Is Me”… A summation of the everything that I am… & I feel its a perfect summation of  today’s scrawling’s and my inner thoughts.

“This Is Me”
I’m not a stranger to the verbal words spoken behind my turned back
I see the finger-pointing
& I feel the stabbing pains that dig me deep within my heart
Pushing me to my breaking pointing
Expecting me to run
Run as far as it takes where no one can see me
All because they say its fun
To pull away at my inner workings
To see how I tick and toc

They want to see me hurt
They want to feel my need
All so that they can say that they were the ones who saved me!

I walk alone in my own stained glass tears
Pushing forward with all that wills me
Through the barricades of people who hold me back
& onto the footpath that I have built for me
And when the darted words make my life unbearable
I choose to walk tall vowing that my tears will never fall.

Silent moments and a flood of tears
Away from watching eyes and cheers of laughter
Silence becomes my comforter
As my legs raise me to where I am ok again.

I am not scared to have to have an opinion
& I am not scared to make it known
& whilst I certainly do not walk without fear
I am comforted by my guiding morals and values
I make no apologies,
I welcome my strength and know that this is who is me.
And when their words
Try to bend and break my resolve
I put on my brave face
& walk proudly on.

I am me
I am unique
I am the best me that I can be.
No hesitations
No apologies
& certainly no damn sorry’s
For I am being who it is that I was meant to be.

Written By
Tanya Kelly

So… “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?” …. Hell yah it is… & his name is “ My Story, He Is Male, He Identifies As A Comedian” and together “ My Story & I ” live with a positive attitude that has a humanising element of who & what “My Story”  & PPMS” is to me…

PPMS, “My Story” & I  are the elements of me that make me; me!

So there it is my thoughts and perspectives on an interesting question came into my inbox.. (“Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”)… the very thoughts that got me thinking about my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, and about how PPMS, “My Story” & I  are the elements of me that make me; me!

Reference/s – https://themighty.com & https://themighty.com/content/5c8a4aa63e5bbc00e49c3dcf

Thank you for sticking with me & my long winded writings and thoughts. I hope that through my words you gained a greater understanding of what Multiple Sclerosis is and how the many of thousands of people who have it get through their every day’s.

Multiple Sclerosis may have altered some of my body’s workings & it may have altered the way that I do thing in my day to day life… but I am strong and I live each day to the fullest with a hope that the generations that will follow in my footsteps will live a life without Multiple Sclerosis or any other autoimmune disease in their timeline.

<== This Blog Post’s Other Pages ==>
Introduction  –  #1  –  #2  –  #3  –  #4

Author. Tanya Kelly

Day #133 “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?” – Part #3


“Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”
Reference/s –
https://themighty.com &

img_3811-1So to answer the question put forward at the beginning of this daily write:- “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”

Well the answer is yes… yes of course my condition & diagnosis of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis is part of who I am… but not in terms of “Am I Who Is It Is That I Am Because  I Have Been Diagnosed With Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis?” Well the answer to this is no, no my PPMS hasn’t made me who it is that I am & I certainly do not write about the things that I write about in my daily scrawling’s because of my Ms.

Some Background To My Daily Writings

I have been writing since I was very young & I have always written  at some level for these many years but on January 9th, 2018 I took up my daily writings as part of an agreement that I made with myself.  (I wanted to start up journaling again but was seriously concerned about the safety and security of my writings because some years ago my journal was stolen and handed around my teenage community of friends – from that moment I vowed to never journal again).

So in January last year I started writing on a daily bases and submitted my daily thoughts at http://www.750words.com&#8230; this writing forum was locked by a username and password… so I began writing and submitting my daily scrawling’s and felt secure in doing so.

So time rolled in and I was already dabbling in my thoughts of blogging… but there was no way that I was going to post what I had been writing about in my 750words.com’s daily postings… some of it was ok to use… but there was a degree of “personal anonymity that I want to keep.. for both me and my writings sake.”

I was so bogged down by my initial setup of my blog because I wanted to use my web design skills to create a website/blog that was all mine… I was do weighed down by the designing process of my blog that I becoming very overwhelmed by the whole idea of blogging, so I bit the bullet and put my design wants aside and began a free blogging site with http://www.wordpress.com – a site that is today known as 365 Day Somethings (https://365daysomethings.wordpress.com).

What I write about at 365 Day Somethings isn’t all about my diagnosis of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis… there are posts about my PPMS but it rates the occasional mention and only from time to time.

Before I was diagnosed with PPMS I was a writer with much to say… but writing poetry & daily journaling was where I was in my wants for my writing journey.

As a child I did have ideas and or thoughts of becoming a journalist or a columnist but these parts of my secret thoughts and wants for my life were avenues and aspirations that I never pursued.

So before blogging and daily writings at 750words I was a web designer and the occasional writer of poetry… & when I say occasional writer of poetry what I mean to say here is that I probably have a few hundred pieces of written pieces that I have written over the past years.

After my actual diagnosis of PPMS I do think that I became more serious about my writing abilities and my wants for my many stories and hidden thoughts to be written…

There was a part of me that thought that my stories would be of some comfort to my Family and Friends in the event that my PPMS was to take a turn… I wanted to write and share the things that I kept within and didn’t share freely with others… I suppose that you could say that I saw a need to get writing and to finally download my many thoughts.

So in terms of the question at hand “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?” Mmm… like I said … yes no and maybe in a small way it it… but I have always had a writing voice and I have always had an opinion about many things… but I do feel that I dont use my writing voice, my many daily writing avenues and my diagnosis of PPMS to have my say… in fact I more of a “prolific personal writer – an author of many writings “ but in saying that I am not a writer that chooses to write about things that are going on in and around the world… I have written about things in a more open stance before but I feel that my writings could be seen as a “personal collection of memoir elements that put together will tell the many stories of who it is that I am.”

Writing about my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis is a small part of who I am, there us apart of me that want to write as a Warrior and a voice of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis… I do have moments where I want to use my writing abilities to bring a voice and an awareness to Multiple Sclerosis and the life altering symptoms that causes Ms’ers the many limitations that’s its diagnosed disease brings… yes there is a part of me that has a want to advocate for the awareness, the education and the voice for Multiple Sclerosis… but I selfishly want to tell the stories of how my own personal journey and diagnosis of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis affects and impacts me, my loved ones, my immediate family and my many friends near and far.

My personal stories will with hope become my personal memoir… a story of who I am that will in some sort of left handedness will serve to educate others about the fight and cause of  the disease know as Multiple Sclerosis.

<== Please Go To Blog Post #4 To Continue Reading This Blog Post ==>
Introduction  –  #1  –  #2  –  #3  –  #4

Author. Tanya Kelly

Day #132 “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?” – Part #2


“Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”
Reference/s –
https://themighty.com &

img_3811-1I personally see my own Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis battle as it is a “Symbiont”) – An organism in a symbiotic relationship. In cases in which a distinction is made between two interacting organisms, the symbiont is the smaller of the two and is always a beneficiary in the relationship, while the larger organism is the host and may or may not derive a benefit from the relationship.

And then there are times when I see my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis as a parasite (Parasitism is a kind of symbiosis; a close and persistent long-term biological interaction between the parasite and its host. Parasitism is a relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or in another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life).

Why can’t Ms be known as a parasite?… after all what Ms does to the body is that it eats away the insulating covers of nerve cells, the brain and the spinal cord causing quite a bit of damage and leaving scars along the way… disrupting the ability of parts of the nervous system; causing it to miscommunicate with the body, resulting in a range of signs and symptoms, including physical, mental, and sometimes psychiatric problems.

So What Is Multiple Sclerosis In A Nutshell?

Ms is a demyelinating disease which means that it is a disease of the nervous system in which the myelin sheath of neurons is damaged. This damage impairs the conduction of signals in the affected nerves. In turn, the reduction in conduction ability causes a deficiency in sensation, movement, cognition, or other functions depending on which nerves are involved.

However, a person chooses to take on the plentiful gifts of Ms &it’s many symptoms is purely up to the person who has been given the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.

In my journey I choose to have a sense of humour (that I hold “My Story) responsible for), I keep busy with my web design/computer technician work, my many writing adventures & of course my blogging journey. I’m a busy Mum of 3 and a Wife to a very supportive Husband who all work hard to keep me grounded and on top of my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis ailments.

I may sound chipper and it may seem that I have a can do, will do & have to do attitude about this whole life-altering story that has me in a not so bad of a way; let my words be heard but please don’t think that my journey has been and will be in the future an easy one, I have many many hard says and some land me in bed for days at s time… I work hard to keep myself on top of things & I work even harder to complete my own self appointed daily schedule… some days are more of an ass kicking than I let on… some days are full of self-talks and muttering moments that spur me to get a move on…

My Diagnosis of Ms has given me many hours of self-doubt… but I will never let myself get to the self-pity stage… I get angry for my family who has to endure the struggles that are not theirs (they also have to take on some of chore lists when “My Story” decides that he isn’t going to be a team player and work to get the house and its many chores done)… I am afraid of what tomorrow will bring… to be frank I am scared shitless of the unknown… I am in constant question time with my mind and souls governing body, it always seems to be in censorship that I am way to busy and mindfully active for someone who has PPMS but being busy in my many daily habits, Family and work life is where I get to be me… the me who has a diagnosis of Ms but is able to push through and just get shit done.

The best advice I could give to anyone struggling is this… get a notebook and write, write, write… Write about anything, writing is the best therapy that you could give to yourself.

Find a hobby, join a book club, take on a new adventure… but please whatever you do… “DON’T SIT STILL” sitting still and giving up will allow Ms and any other autoimmune disease to take over the cognitive functions of who it is that you are…

Like the saying goes “Strength In Numbers – When Referring To Bullying “ I believe that “A Can Do Attitude & Willful Strength Will See Those Brain Fog Days & Kick Ass Symptoms As Moments Of Resting Time For One’s Inner Courage.”

Building strength and determination that will help you to reach deep within… giving you the power to see you through your toughest days is what makes up the best defensive game for you and your Ms journey… will yourself every day to never give up… Ms doesn’t have to be the end of all your life’s ambitions… every person’s Ms is different so it is up to you to draw what will be the map of your life’s path.

“Ms Doesn’t Get To Wear The Warrior Costume & You Don’t Need One; Getting Up & Everyday … Pushing Hard To Be The Very Person You Can Be… Will Become The Grit & Grind That You Hold Onto Strength & Sheer Determination Will See Your Foggy Days Clear… Your Own Warrior Journey Will Be Your Best Run Race The Warrior In You Will Be Victorious When You Take Ms Head on Into Battle.”

<== Please Go To Blog Post #3 To Continue Reading This Blog Post ==>
Introduction  –  #1  –  #2  –  #3  –  #4

Author. Tanya Kelly

Day #131 “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?” – Part #1


“Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”
Reference/s –
https://themighty.com & https://themighty.com/content/5c8a4aa63e5bbc00e49c3dcf

img_3811-1An interesting question came into my inbox this week.. this question got me thinking about my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, about me & about how the two parts make me; me…

The question that was asked is this “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”

So this question by “The Mighty Community Website – which is a supportive community for people facing health challenges and the people who care for them.” got wondering and then all of a sudden I went all sci-fi on my identification of what Multiple Sclerosis may actually be…

My thoughts are kind of a funny now that I am taking the time to sit down and read what it is that I have written. I actually sat down to put some serious thought time into the question at hand…

Blame it on my pain meds or on “My Story – (Ms for short) for the way it chooses to humanise himself with his spits and spats and tit-tat moments of humor… you see… from time to time “My Story” plays out his days as a comedian… he does thinks he is funny… I like to to laugh at him deliberately because I find that he is nicer to me in the days after he has had a good night laughing with his audience… when he has a feeling that my laughter is being disingenuous (not laughing because he is funny… laughing because I know it benefits me and weeks level of suffering)… he serves me a great big bloody hug… taking the air out of my winded sails and forces me to tap out… collapsing into an unscheduled nanna nap.

At first … when I began writing this piece… I wondered in some kind of a half arsed thought; if I was actually living in some sort of codependent relationship with “My Story “ at the helm.. I started to wonder if I was actually the one that was codependent on “My Story” … relying on him soon became over run by the thoughts in my head – screaming out “You codependent on “My Story” oh what a laugh… (seriously I couldn’t be reliant on “My Story” what does he bring to the table besides the attention that he brings me by adorning my body with its ping-ponging funky walk)…

I quickly thought nah to the thought of me living in a codependent relationship with “My Story”… I ‘m not an attention seeker snd my funky walk … well after 6 nearly 7 years of it actually being in existence… it isnt that funny anymore… being flung into my wardrobe as I stumble off balance whilst trying to dress is just not funny anymore… let me not even entertain you with my many stories about my 4am meetings with my hallways door handles that love to stamp my body with bruises.

Who knows; maybe it’s “My Story) that is actually the codependent person in our relationship… after all the definition of codependent is (behavioral condition in a relationship where one person enables another person’s addiction, poor mental health, immaturity, irresponsibility, or under-achievement. Among the core characteristics of codependency is an excessive reliance on other people for approval and a sense of identity)… he certainly has a need to be attention seeker, he thinks he is funny, seeks approval by forcing me to laugh at him or he causes me to hurt… and that funky walk he has me doing !! Immaturity Right There !! Yep “My Story” most definitely has a reliance on me for a sense of identity… as warped as it maybe!

Now with all seriousness & with “My Story” & his identity aside…

Maybe just maybe; Ms requires us its life-altering subjects to have life-altering symptoms for it to gain what it needs from us ie myelin and energy…. maybe it has a substance issue and the symptoms that people with Ms suffer from are the very things that Ms is physically or psychologically addicted to…

My theory is that maybe when Ms doesn’t get its fill… it falls into a relapse and drains its human host and land him/her into hours and days of suffering the symptoms of its temper tantrum… stepping up in intensity… proving that it is in charge by allowing the human hosts immune system to eat away at the bodies protective covering of its nerves… tap dancing from head to foot … stopping from time to time to hug its host… making sure that they know that it’s not yet time for Ms to return to its plateau – where it sits in quiet, entering a state of quiet where it has little activity or progress in the progression of its severity and or symptoms.

Then I had a questioning moment where I asked myself with some degree of curiosity… Is My Body A Vessel that carries Ms along in its journey? Or is my Ms a succulent (adaptive and able to absorb and manifest itself and its altering conditions to suit it’s here and now… able to grow into what it wants to be … knowing that it has little to no medical intervention or medication regimes to stand in its way.

Then another thought came by… Is Ms an organism, unfounded, unidentified by today’s scientific world… is it possible that Ms may actually be a parasite or a symbiont feeding on my fatty myelin, whilst wrapping itself around my nerve fibres either to keep warm, or maybe Ms is wrapping itself around my nerve fibres in order to fill its own energy reserves for the purpose of altering me, my abilities, my onslaught of symptoms and of course the level of ever-changing disabilities.

<== Please Go To Blog Post #2 To Continue Reading This Blog Post ==>
Introduction  –  #1 –  #2  –  #3  –  #4

Author. Tanya Kelly


Day #130 “Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?” – Introduction


“Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”
Reference/s –
https://themighty.com &

This is a preliminary post about what I will be blogging about for the next few days. This post that I wrote is quite long so I thought that I would sit down and post it to my blog over a few days.

So what are the next few days of blogging to be about? Well in my e-mail’s inbox a few days ago a question caught my attention… so I thought that I would sit down to write out an answer to the question being asked… (apologies in advance)… It’s seems that my thinking thoughts ran away with my finger tips and together they got a little busy…  unfortunately for you I seem to be a marathon writer – I like to write lengthy posts… but even I think that this one may be a little to long… (but I just couldn’t cut it down to a reasonable & a read worthy size).

So I have placed my thoughts into a few blog posts so I don’t bore you to death.

(I even created the graphic to the left of this blog post to give you a clue of what I will be writing about).

So here is the question that I found in my e-mail’s inbox.
“Is My Condition Part Of What Makes Me… Me ?”

Referenced Websites
https://themighty.com &

<== Please Go To Blog Post #1 To Continue Reading This Blog Post ==>
Introduction  –  #1  –  #2  –  #3  –  #4

Author. Tanya Kelly


Day #129 “Prettiest Wreck You’ve Ever Seen!”


Here it is 1.17am March 12th 2019… in the aftermath of a Sydney induced dizzy day.

I was reading the mornings newspaper (Facebook) hoping to kill a few moments before I try to put my blogging thoughts and the fact that I am a little behind in daily writes/blogging post to bed for just a few hours, before I rise and shine and try against the hash deliverances of my week and my “My Kick Ass Ms Week” dressed & ready to push through the heated days that are still engulfing Sydney in this being the beginning of Autumn 2019.

So in reading the early morning edition of the life’s self imposing newspaper (Facebook), I came across the following pictured message.

Yeah I’m Hurting…
But on goes  the mascara & lip-gloss.
That’s right,
I’ll be the prettiest wreck you’ve ever seen!

prettieswreck.jpgI often get asked why it is that I bother to get dressed most days.. not only get dressed in clothes, but why do I bother to attempt to tame my freshly washed hair and make myself up in what has been described as “my life’s colouring book pallet” by one of my closest friends.

Well why the hell not I say?

I like being dressed I often say… and I like that my use of makeup helps me to feel less sick or fatigued… and I certainly like that don’t have to look like I am dying even though my Ms can at times leave me feeling as though I am about to crumble to my knees. There is also that small part of me that feels confident in who I am and in what I am offering to others throughout my day when I am dressed in clothes & face etched in colours and tones… what ever my reason… my makeup and my everyday get up and get dressed attitude is who I am and want to be !

Why do I bother? I often get asked… well in my own true to myself spirit I ask in the same curious tone “Why The Hell Not.. & Why Don’t You Bother To Colour You In With Human Made Colours & Hue’s… without sounding like I have a bee in my bonnet about the need for people to ask me why I bother to wear makeup… I want people to know that I wear makeup and choose to put myself together because I truly do not like seeing my Ms down trodden self in the reflection of a mirror…

“Fake It Till You Make It… I Say – or Makeup Yourself The Colours Of Happiness That You Wanna See… Instead Of The Colour Blue That Ms Has You Laying On The Lounge Feeling Sorry For Yourself…”

That is why I put the effort into me and the colour pallet of happier hue’s that make me feel more like me minus my Ms struggles.

I am grateful to those who say that I don’t need to dress up on their account, or that I don’t need the makeup that I take the time to apply.. all so that I can make myself feel alive and living in a brighter sate of mind… I love those who say that they appreciate and love me more in my natural state… but I like my colour pallets and I love being the human colouring book that gives a shit about looking like the person that I see with myself.

“I don’t really care what other people see me as. I seriously don’t. I’ve always worried about what my opinion of myself is… Ms is aprart of me, but it doesnt define who I am… who I was a well dressed person who went to work everyday freshly showered, presentable and happy within myself and my many jobs that I have taken on throughout my days… My makeup doesn’t define me & it certainly doesn’t make me who I appear to be… it just helps colour my world when I am feeling blue.”

My advice to you my readers would be…
“Paint your life however you want it doesn’t have to be the way others paint it.
Your own attitude will always be your best paintbrush, giving you different shades when you need them the most.”
Quoted Reference Link Here

Author. Tanya Kelly

Day #124 – “Memoir Writing”


Guess What Dearest Readers, Writers, Subscribers & Anyone Else Reading My
“365 Day Somethings” Blog…?

I just popped into give you an update on what I have been up to today.

I hope that I don’t disappoint any of you, but today’s blog post will be a short 1.
memoir.jpgWhat do I mean when I say a short 1..? well a short 1 – no 1000 -3000 long-winded writes.


As if I needed to add anything else to by self-imposed daily busy schedule I have signed up for a course titled “Kick Start Your Memoir – Writing Exercises” with Udemy “A Global Marketplace For Learning & Instruction.
Course Link & Details Here

I am working hard at chronicling my life’s story in my daily writtings so I figured that taking a course that would not only spur on my thoughts but I was hoping to find an ‘ah ha moment’ in how to put the story of my life together in some sort of chronicled write.

My course instructors name is Dale…
Dale is a writer, coach and author. Her aim is to teach you how to Kickstart Your Memoir by going through a set of wonderful writing exercises. (exercises, assessment tasks, assessments.. oooh how I look forward to these).

I am looking forward to starting and undertaking the 10 chapetrs of this Kickstart Memoir Writting Course, I look forward to taking under my wing and nurturing the memories that will flow from theworkbook that is supplies, the many exercises and of course the flood of writting that I expect to scrawl into my notebook. I know that this writing will also help till fill out my daily journaland other daily writing adventures.

Why a Memoir Writting Course.. Why A Memoir ??
The answer to these questions are simple for me to answer… I want to leave my Children & My Future Decendants a story & a timeline of how we as a Family began our days.. & how as individuals they grew to be the people that they are… whilst learning from me all about me and my life’s story.

Here is where I will begin my Memoir Writing – Yet Untitled & Ready To Be Written.

Who are you?
What is your story?
Why are you writing your memoir?
What is the most important thing you want to discover?
What are the life experiences that make you who you are?
If you were to view your life from an outsider’s point of view, what would you know about your life?

So Udemy & The The Early Days Of Writting Of My Memoir Here I Come…

Author. Tanya Kelly


Day # 123 – “Words I Stand By”


This week in my many hours of reading, taking notes and drafting my daily & future blog posts I came across a meme that smacked hard into the very core of who and what I am.

This meme was only a few words long but for me it said everything that I stand for in just a few short words.
The simpleness of theses written words “Who Am I To Judge Another… When I Walk Imperfectly” for me does not talk about judging other for the good and the bad that a person delivers, these words do not even convey the disapproval that I may have towards the choices and or the path that another person may take in and throughout the journey of their life…

“Who Am I To Judge Another… When I Walk Imperfectly” for me is worded sentence that shows my support of people who are going through times of struggle in their life… I choose to sit and listen in an open-minded capacity rather than with a mouthy and question riddled mind.

I have walked through the hospital corridors for many years seeking medical interventions and treatments for my Spina Bifida Child, who today is a happy-go-lucky young man who works long hours and snobs at anyone who feels that they have the right to label him and his inabilities. His Spina Bifida has been his journey but it will not impede on his life’s story… strong-willed or stubborn mmm get to know him and then make up your own mind about which one he is.

Through my own struggles I get asked how it is that I can be so positive and happy to help others out through the trials and tribulations that they find themselves in… the answer is simple… ! My struggles are everyday but if one person can have someone put some faith and hope into their struggles, than I with good consciousness am and will be the person to see a person through to the light at the end of their tunnel.

Why help another out when I myself find myself without someone standing for me and my needs, for my struggles and for the fight against my body and its primary progressive diagnosis? well this is the point of the words “Who Am I To Judge Another… When I Walk Imperfectly” just because I have primary progressive multiple sclerosis doesn’t change the person that I am… I have had many judgements placed on me and the ailments that my body now presents with… my position and personal standing in my life is to stand as an advocate for other people, the very people who do not have a voice that carry’s the determination to stand ones own ground… not because they don’t know how or unable to stand in their own knowingness or convictions… I advocate for others because I believe that it takes a village to fight of an enemy… numbers speak volumes & I know that it often takes multiple voices to spike the attention and the understanding of someone in the position to help out a person with a need or a cause.

Medically I have seen how doctors have passed judgements onto my Spina Bifida Son and his body’s inabilities… I stood tall and starred them down and told them I will never back down.. for he is my Son, my young man who deserve far more than a blanketed judgement that doesn’t fit him or his medical issues at all.

Personally I chose to lend people an open heart and a listening ear… I try not to counsel people, I just try to be there and show that someone does care.

“Who Am I To Judge Another… When I Walk Imperfectly”
I am not this person I say…
I walk with a funky walk and a presence that is hard to ignore.
My struggles are varied and difficult at times
But I with all good consciousness
Cannot see past a person who is carrying a heavy load
Afraid & feeling the emptiness of the burdened soul.

So ! “Who Am I To Judge Another… When I Walk Imperfectly”
Not I
Not Me
Not Today
& Certainly Not Tomorrow.
For I literally walk imperfectly with a funky gaited walk…
I don’t like being told that I am drunk
But I don’t mind when people ask me why it is that I walk the ay that I do…
I don’t the generalisations and or judgements that medical persons pass at me…
But I know that I can not sway the opinion
Of someone who thinks that they know more about me and my body
& the things that make me; me…

I know who it is that I am
& who I am is this…
I am a person who stands up for what she believes in
Judging no other, because in my life I too walk imperfectly.
Maybe not in my uncertainly,
But certainly symbolically in my funky gaited walk.

I believe that judgement of others cheapens who it is that we are….
Passing judgement is a statement that states our intolerance
Judgments and intolerance of others sends out unspoken messages
That warns people that the safety that we seek in  times of need,
Will not be found in this person.

I Choose To Not Judge People
Because There Is Always A Part Of Their Story That Lays Untold
& This Part Of Them I May Never Be privileged To Hear About.
I May Never Fully Unfold Their Life’s Map & Or Journey
The Only Thing That I Have To Offer
People Who Often Are Their Own Worst Judgment Callers
Is An Open & Supportive Ear.

Do not judge others
By the judgements of their past
Instead I embrace them
& their help them regain contentment
For them & their scorned & hurting heart.

Written By Tanya Kelly

A Lesson To Be Learned In The Art Of Judging Others Is

Before You Assume…. Learn The Facts.
Before You Judge…. Understand Why.
Before You Hurt Someone…. Feel.
Before You Speak….Think.

Author. Tanya Kelly

Day #122 -Task “Personal Affirmations”


What a busy week of writing have I taken on this week…journaling, blogging, 750words daily writes, daily blogging and anything else I can fit into my days schedule.

So thanks to two of my writing buddies; We have taken on a small daily writing challenge permissiontoshine.jpg
that has us writing 10 daily affirmations or self talking to’s that we will write and own as we stand in our own mirrored reflection.. standing in our mirrored reflection give us the opportunity to hear and own our own words… reflecting our own conscious thoughts back at ourselves, giving ourselves a moment to what we want and need for ourselves.

Our Affirmation / Self-Empowerment writes will be undertaken over a 7 day period, I will post up my affirmation writes at the end of the week.

In this my second day of writing my daily 10 affirmations I do see that I do in fact have a need for this “reboot time” I need to be honest with myself and aspire to look deep within for the things that my body, heart, mind & soul needs. I am looking forward to the next few days of exploring myself and inner most needs, writing about myself and making agreements with myself to make the changes that I feel I do need to make.

I also look forward to hear what affirmations and self-empowerments that my writing buddies will be making for themselves and their lives.

Positive affirmations are important and when they are undertaken in a consistent and proper way, they can prevent you from thinking negatively and self-empowerment can also help to prevent you from sabotaging yourself and your life’s wants. Affirmation and or self-empowerment can help to reprogram your mind and help you to eliminate or stop your own self’s limiting beliefs & barriers.

Self-Empowerment helps us to see and acknowledge ourselves and our wants, by writing affirmations we reprogram ourselves and begin to live in our own here and now.

We are in this exercise empowering ourselves… The general meaning of Self-empowerment is taking control of our own life, setting goals, and making positive choices. Basically it means that we have to understand our strengths and weaknesses, and have belief in ourselves.
i am.jpg
It is very power for us as human to have a handle on our self-worth and our self beliefs… Action Words are written through out the writings of our own personal affirmations and or self-empowerment. Words and sayings like “I Am Strong, I Can Do This, I believe In Myself leads us to “I Am Doing This”…. us living in our truth, our true selves, our actualised selves… & in our here and now.

The Song Lyrics F Bachelor Girl through the song “Permission To Shine” sums up what writing affirmations and working to self-empowerment can mean and do for a person in their reprogramming days.

Hey, what would you say
If I can’t play the hero tonight
‘Cause lately I’ve been feelin’ like
I can’t get anything right
I’ve been fading into the woodwork again
And I’m feelin’ like I just want to hide
But guess what
I’m gonna try something just a little bit different this time
I’m gonna give myself permission to shine
I’m gonna shine so bright
Gonna make every head want to turn
You’re finally gonna see me
Give myself permission to shine
Gonna light up the night
Shine a little of my light on the world
I’ve been crazy
I’ve been holdin’ myself back for so long
But I’ve got so much I can give
Don’t want to be afraid to be wrong
You know I’m not too good at too many things
But I’ve been gettin’ real good at gettin’ down on myself
But guess what
I’m gonna try to break free from this prison I”ve built
I’m gonna give myself permission to shine
I’m gonna shine so bright
Gonna make every head want to turn
You’re finally gonna see me
Give myself permission to shine
Gonna light up the night
Shine a little of my light on the world
Oh, that’s right
I’m gonna try something just a little bit different this time
I’m gonna give myself permission to shine
I’m gonna shine so bright
Gonna make every head want to turn
You’re finally gonna see me
Give myself permission to shine
Gonna light up the night
Shine a little of my light on the world
I want to light up the night
Shine a little of my light on the worldReference – View Here – “Permission To Shine” Video Clip
inside job.png
What Bachelor Girls Song relays to and for me is this…Tonight I am taking a break from being the everything to everyone;
It is time that I be that reliable someone to and for myself.

I have been feeling the push and the pull
From a world that has me running around being the mother hen
to anyone who needs me in their moment of need.

Taking it’s toll, I have emptied myself;
Leaving myself spare and with no energy to spare.

Time is now that I have to give myself permission for a period of reboot,
A moment where I can and will fill my own cup with
What I am missing in my own life’s hectic path.

In order for me to continue in giving my helping hand
I need time to empower myself
Light up myself in my own world
To see myself in my own lit shadow.

I owe myself this permission
For I can be nothing to you if my own light doesn’t shine bright.
I will light up my way and my own life’s path
& someday soon return replenished stronger than ever.

Author. Tanya Kelly